Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. 2012, 2 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics 2012. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Table of Contents.
- Martín E. L. Exoplanet plenitude. - C. 109-113.
- Milinevsky G. P., Danylevsky V. O., Grytsai A. V., Evtushevsky O. M., Kravchenko V. O., Bovchaliuk A. P., Bovchaliuk V. P., Sosonkin M. G., Goloub Ph., Savitska L. Y. Recent developments of atmospheric research in Ukraine. - C. 114-120.
- Boiko A. I., Konovalenko A. A., Koliadin V. L., Melnik V. N. Search of the radio emission from flare stars at decameter wavelengths. - C. 121-124.
- Malov I. F., Nikitina E. B. Distribution of areas of radiation generation at different frequencies in pulsar magnetospheres. - C. 125-127.
- Jableka D., Zola S., Zakrzewski B., Szymanski T., Kuzmicz A., de Villiers S. N., Zejda M., Koziel-Wierzbowska D. Period changes of the sample of eclipsing binaries with active chromospheres. - C. 128-131.
- Drozd K., Swierczynski E., Ragan E. V407 Cygni - nova like outburst in symbiotic system. - C. 132-134.
- Karczmarek P. Binary evolution pulsating star - new evolutionary channel to produce RR Lyr-like pulsations. - C. 135-138.
- Tanti K. K., Roy J., Duorah K. Spectral energy distributions and age estimates of 40 massive young stellar objects. - C. 139-142.
- Zakhozhay O. Circumsubstellar disk SED in dependence on system parameters. - C. 143-145.
- Frantseva K., Kostogryz N. M., Yakobchuk T. M. Simulation of polarimetric effects in planetary system HD 189733. - C. 146-148.
- Koshmak I. O., Melekh B. Ya. The influence of stellar wind bubbles on the ionizing radiation field in HII regions. - C. 149-152.
- Baran O. A. Structure of convective flows on supergranular scales in the solar photosphere. - C. 153-156.
- Allawi H., Pohjolainen S. The energy sources of CME acceleration. - C. 157-160.
- Paraschiv A. R., Dragomirescu D., Stan L., Talpeanu D. C., Ivan C., Radu S., Lacatus D. A., Mierla M. Coronal jet contribution to the slow Solar wind flux: preliminary results. - C. 161-163.
- Glubokova S. K., Chashei I. V., Tyul'bashev S. A. Small-scale solar wind density turbulence spectrum from interplanetary scintillation observations. - C. 164-166.
- Breuillard H., Mendzhul D. I., Agapitov O. V. Effects of equatorial chorus wave normal azimuthal distribution on wave propagation. - C. 167-172.
- Shubina O., Korsun P., Ivashchenko Yu. Low-resolution spectrum of comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz). - C. 173-176.
- Zaitsev S. V., Kiselev N. N., Rosenbush V. K., Velichko F. P., Kolesnikov S. V., Antonyuk K. A., Psarev V. N. Polarimetric observations of the Galilean satellites near opposition in 2011. - C. 177-179.
- Lacatus D. A., Paraschiv A. R., Tesileanu O. Simulating peculiar X-shaped extragalactic radio sources. - C. 180-183.
- Alexandrov A. N., Koval S. M., Zhdanov V. I. Gravitational lens equation: critical solutions and magnification near folds and cusps. - C. 184-187.
- Babyk Iu., Melnyk O., Elyiv A. Chandra observations of ten galaxy clusters. - C. 188-190.
- Savushkin A. A., Shlyapnikov A. A. CCD photometry of some areas around the open cluster M45. - C. 191-193.
- Fursiak Yu. A. Digital version of the CrAO archive of spectral observations of the Sun, carried out with the KG-2 coronagraph. - C. 194-196.
- Fursiak Yu. A., Shlyapnikov A. A. Catalogue-atlas of photographic observations along Comet Liller's path. - C. 197-199.
- Pokhvala S. M., Zhilyaev B. E., Reshetnyk V. M. High-speed multicolour photometry with CMOS cameras. - C. 200-202.
- Rieznik K., Reshetnyk V. M. Astroclimate parameters of the Kyiv observatories. - C. 203-205.