Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. 2013, 3 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics 2013. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Table of Contents.
- Drozd K., Swierczynski E., Ragan E., Buil C. V407 Cyg and RS Oph - comparison of two exotic variables. - C. 75-78.
- Shchurova A. V., Pavlenko E. P., Malanushenko V. P. The two accretion states of the polar 1RXS J184542 in 2012. - C. 79-80.
- Belan S. P., Shakhovskoy D. N. Long-term photopolarimetric variability of DD Ser. - C. 81-83.
- Fursiak Yu. A. Fast-growing sunspot groups AR1618, AR1619, AR1620, AR1640 and their features. - C. 84-88.
- Baran O. A. Power spectra of convective motions in the solar photosphere. - C. 89-93.
- Glubokova S. K., Chashei I. V., Tyul'bashev S. A., Shishov V. I. Changes in the spectral index of the interplanetary plasma turbulence in the period of low solar activity from observations of strongly scintillating source 3C 298. - C. 94-97.
- Saliuk D. A. Application of the full reduction technique for solution of equations with vector form non-linearity. - C. 98-101.
- Bovchaliuk A. The spatial variability of PM 2.5 over Europe using satellite POLDER-3/PARASOL data. - C. 102-108.
- Zaitsev S. V., Rosenbush V. K., Kiselev N. N. Database of satellite polarimetry. - C. 109-112.
- Pomazan A. V., Maigurova N. V. Optical observations of selected asteroids with measurable Yarkovsky effect. - C. 113-115.
- Tugay A. V. Bright X-ray galaxies in SDSS filaments. - C. 116-119.
- Vasylenko A. A., Fedorova E., Zhdanov V. I. Observations of Sy2 galaxy NGC 3281 by XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL satellites. - C. 120-125.
- Sydorenko M. V., Marchenko V. V., Sushchov O. B., Kobzar O. O. Stochastic scattering in Cen A radio lobes. - C. 126-130.
- Kats A. V., Kontorovich V. M. Explosive evolution of galaxies at high redshifts due to minor mergers. - C. 131-134.
- Rogozin D. A., Zadorozhna L. V. Electromagnetic radiation of superconducting cosmic strings. - C. 135-140.
- Tkachuk V. V., Choliy V. Ya. On the comparison of fundamental numerical ephemerides. - C. 141-144.
- Pokhvala S. M., Reshetnyk V. M., Zhilyaev B. E. Tests of commercial colour CMOS cameras for astronomical applications. - C. 145-146.