Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. 2015, 5 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics 2015. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Table of Contents.
- Sushch I. The Galactic sky through H.E.S.S. eyes. - C. 59-67.
- Agapitov O. V., Mozer F. S., Artemyev A. V., Mourenas D., Krasnoselskikh V. V. Wave-particle interactions in the outer radiation belts. - C. 68-74.
- Tvardovskyi D. E., Marsakova V. I. Cyclic Period Changes of beta Lyrae-type Eclipsing Variable Stars KR Cyg, V382 Cyg and BX And. - C. 75-78.
- Sadova V. A., Tugay A. V. The luminosity - spectral index dependence of the X-ray bright Seyfert galaxies. - C. 79-83.
- Torbaniuk O. A quasar sample for the Lyman-alpha forest studies from the Data Release 10 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. - C. 84-88.
- Savchenko D. O., Iakubovskyi D. A. Identification of the ~3.55 keV emission line candidate objects across the sky. - C. 89-92.
- Prokhorenkov A. S., Kozak L. V., Lui A. T. Y. Magnetosheath and solar wind turbulence processes features identification. - C. 93-98.
- Prokhorenkov A. S., Kozak L. V., Lui A. T. Y., Gala I. V. Diffusion processes in the transition layer of the Earth's magnetosphere. - C. 99-103.
- Shastun V. V., Agapitov O. V. A reconstruction method of electron density distribution in the equatorial region of magnetosphere. - C. 104-108.