Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. 2016, 6 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics 2016. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Table of Contents.
- Kudak V., Parimucha S. O-C diagrams of Algol-type binary stars. - C. 63-68.
- Kudak V., Parimucha S. Project DWARF - using eclipsing binaries for searching for exoplanets and brown dwarfs. - C. 69-72.
- Tkachenko M. G. The structure of the test function for the phenomenological modelling of eclipsing binaries. - C. 73-78.
- Kravtsov I. P., Zakharenko V. V., Vasylieva I. Y., Mykhailova S. S., Ulyanov O. M., Shevtsova A. I., Skoryk A. O., Zarka P., Konovalenko O. O. Search for transient signals in the data of Decameter Survey of the Northern Sky. - C. 79-84.
- Grytsai A., Milinevsky G., Evtushevsky O., Sosonkin M., Kravchenko V., Danylevsky V. Ozonometer M-124 calibration for the Ukrainian network: method and results. - C. 85-93.
- Vasiuta M. S., Choliy V. Ya. On the usage of the Singular Spectrum Analysis for precision estimation and editing of total atmospheric delay time series. - C. 94-98.