Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. 2017, 7 (1-2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics 2017. Вип. 1-2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Breus V. V. Flexible Variable Star Extractor - new software for variable stars detection using CCD photometry. - C. 3-5.
- Vasylenko M. Yu., Kudrya Yu. N. Dipole bulk velocity based on new data sample of galaxies from the catalogue 2MFGC. - C. 6-11.
- Berdina L. A., Tsvetkova V. S. Detection of the rapid variability in the Q2237+0305 quasar. - C. 12-16.
- Dylda S. S., Zhdanov V. I. Qualitative types of cosmological evolution in hydrodynamic models with barotropic equation of state. - C. 17-22.
- Sushchov O., Homola P., Dhital N., Bratek L., Poznanski P., Wibig T., Zamora-Saa J., Almeida Cheminant K., Alvarez Castillo D., Gora D., Jagoda P., Jalocha J., Jarvis J. F., Kasztelan M., Kopanski K., Krupinski M., Michalek M., Nazari V., Smelcerz K., Smolek K., Stasielak J., Sulek M. Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory: a global cosmic ray detection framework. - C. 23-29.
- Kontorovich V. M., Trofymenko S. V. Reflection of positron radiation from star surface and shift of inter pulse position in Crab pulsar. - C. 30-35.
- Trofymenko S. V., Kontorovich V. M. Half-bare positron in the inner gap of a pulsar. - C. 36-41.