Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2017, 89 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2017. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Osadchuk T. V., Semyroz A. V., Shybyryn O. V., Kibirev V. K. Synthesis and investigation of the derivatives of amidinohydrazonelated aromatic compounds as furin inhibitors. - C. 3-12.
- Kolas I. K., Makarchikov A. F. Copurification of chicken liver soluble thiamine monophosphatase and low molecular weight acid phosphatase. - C. 13-21.
- Kuznetsova T. Y., Solovyova N. V., Solovyov V. V., Kostenko V. O. Antioxidant activity of melatonin and glutathione interacting with hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. - C. 22-30.
- Chudina T. O., Labintsev A. J., Romaniuk S. I., Kolybo D. V., Komisarenko S. V. Changes in proHB-EGF expression after functional activation of the immune system cells. - C. 31-38.
- Gonchar O. A., Mankovska I. N. Time-dependent effect of severe hypoxia/reoxygenation on oxidative stress level, antioxidant capacity and p53 accumulation in mitochondria of rat heart. - C. 39-47.
- Shahouzehi B., Barkhordari K., Aminizadeh S., Masoumi-Ardakani Y. Effect of L-carnitine administration on serum insulin and adiponectin levels, and AMPK, APPL1 and PPARγ gene expression in STZ-induced diabetic rat liver. - C. 48-55.
- Pylypets A. Z., Iskra R. Ya., Havryliak V. V., Nakonechna A. V., Novikov V. P., Lubenets V. I. Effects of thiosulfonates on the lipid composition of rat tissues. - C. 56-62.
- Комісаренко С. В., Романюк С. І. Для чого потрібні циркадні ритми, або як змінити хід "біологічного годинника". - C. 63-73.
- Contents vol. 89, N 1–5, 2017. - C. 74-83.