Екологічна безпека та природокористування. 2018 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Екологічна безпека та природокористування 2018. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Gunchenko O., Voloshkina O. Research of the use of "ecological niche" model for definition of production risk indicator. - C. 5-11.
- Stefanyshyn D. Оn peculiarities of hydropower development in the world and in Ukraine. - C. 12-23.
- Turick V., Kochin V., Kochina M. A new method of control of coherent structures in vortex apparatuses. - C. 24-32.
- Kotsіuba I., Lyko S., Lukianova V., Anpilova Y. Computational dynamics of municipal wastes generation in Zhytomyr city. - C. 33-43.
- Sipakov R., Trofimovich V., Voloshkina O., Bereznitskaya Y. Assessment and forecast for the creation of photochemical smog over transport overpasses in Kyiv. - C. 44-51.
- Kovrov O., Kolesnik V., Buchavyi Yu. Evaluation of the influence of climatic and geomorphological factors on landslides development. - C. 52-63.
- Lebid O., Kaliukh I., Berchun Y., Chernyshev D. Identification of defects of the piles with reflected waves. - C. 64-76.
- Simonov I., Trofimovich V. Fundamental ecology in the context change of scientific paradigm. - C. 77-93.
- Tkachenko T. Mathematical model of extensive green roof with a steep type of biocenosis. - C. 94-102.