Фізика низьких температур. 2018, 44 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2018. Вип. 6 |
- Титул.
- Содержание.
- Varlamov A., Loktev V. Alexei Alexeevich Abrikosov (1928 – 2017). To the 90th birthday of A. A. Abrikosov. Preface. - C. 599-602.
- Vestgården J. I., Johansen T. H., Galperin Y. M. Nucleation and propagation of thermomagnetic avalanches in thin-film superconductors. - C. 603-622.
- Kordyuk A. A. Electronic band structure of optimal superconductors: from cuprates to ferropnictides and back again. - C. 623-634.
- Gorbar E. V., Miransky V. A., Shovkovy I. A., Sukhachov P. O. Anomalous transport properties of Dirac and Weyl semimetals. - C. 635-657.
- Campuzano J. C. Abrikosov and the path to understanding high-Tc superconductivity. - C. 658-662.
- Mineev V. P. Theory of type-II superconductivity in ferromagnetic metals with triplet pairing. - C. 663-673.
- Božović I., Bollinger A. T., Wu J., He X. Can high-Tc superconductivity in cuprates be explained by the conventional BCS theory?. - C. 674-683.
- Chubukov A. V., Mozyrsky D. Evolution of the dynamics of neutral superconductors between BCS and BEC regimes: the variational approach. - C. 684-690.
- Samokhvalov A. V., Mel’nikov A. S., Buzdin A. I. Vortex molecules in thin films of layered superconductors. - C. 691-700.
- Entin-Wohlman O., Shekhter R. I., Jonson M., Aharony A. Rashba proximity states in superconducting tunnel junctions. - C. 701-710.
- Rokhmanova T., Apostolov S. S., Kvitka N., Yampol’skii V. A. Effect of a dc magnetic field on the anomalous dispersion of localized Josephson plasma modes in layered superconductors. - C. 711-720.
- Shubnyi V. O., Gusynin V. P., Sharapov S. G., Varlamov A. A. Entropy per particle spikes in the transition metal dichalcogenides. - C. 721-726.
- Mikitik G. P., Sharlai Yu. V. Oscillations of magnetization in topological line-node semimetals. - C. 727-733.
- Eremko A. A., Brizhik L. S., Loktev V. M. On the theory of the Schrödinger equation with the full set of relativistic corrections. - C. 734-746.
- van Ostaay J. A. M., Mukhin S. I. Phonon-kink scattering effect on the low-temperature thermal transport in solids. - C. 747-757.
- Vekilov Yu. Kh., Krasilnikov O. M. Elastic phase transitions in solids. High pressure effect. - C. 758-764.