Екологічна безпека та природокористування. 2018 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Екологічна безпека та природокористування 2018. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Airapetian T. S., Telyma S. V., Oliynyk O. Ya. The methodic of modeling and calculations of the oxygen regime at the purification of the waste waters in aerotanks with suspended and fixed biocenos. - C. 5-14.
- Dziubenko V. H., Mileikovskyi V. O., Sachenko I. A. Expansion of the range of wet air I-d diagram for environmental safe heat production. - C. 15-22.
- Zagorodnya S. A., Novokhatska N. A., Okhariev V. O., Popova M. A., Radchuk I. V., Trysnyuk T. V., Shumeiko V. O., Atrasevych O. V. GIS-based assessment of anthropogenic influence in Western Polissya region limnological ecosystems. - C. 23-33.
- Azarov S. I., Zadunaj О. S. Analysis of the stability of water bodies to the action of destabilizing factors. - C. 34-42.
- Grechanuyk V. G., Matsenko O. V. Ecologically clean evaporation-condensation method application for obtaining of electrical contacts based on copper composite materials. - C. 43-48.
- Trysnyuk V. M. Ecological safety of territories at introduction of modern technologies of processing of vegetable wastes. - C. 49-53.
- Kaliukh I. I., Lebid O. G., Dunin V. A., Margvelashvili N., Berchun Y. O., Samoilenko S. M. Vibrodinamic monitoring of pile foundation engineering on landslide hazardous site in dense urban development conditions. - C. 54-64.
- Diatel O. O. Calculations and prognosis of the influence of the exploitation of the "Hotyslavske" quarry on the hydrodinamic of the ground and underground waters of the Western Polissya. - C. 65-76.
- Tkachenko T. M. Creation of energy efficient "green constructions" in conditions of moderately continental climate. - C. 77-84.
- Tikhonov Y. L. Ontological approach to the description of the reservoir's passport. - C. 85-94.
- Abstracts. - C. 95-100.