Journal of mechanical engineering. 2018, 21 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2018. Вип. 3 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Alyokhina S. V. Problems of creating scientific and methodological bases of spent nuclear fuel dry cask storage thermal safety in Ukraine. - C. 4-12.
- Biblik I. V., Avramov K. V., Rusanov R. A. Prediction of Flow Accelerated Corrosion of NPP Pipeline Elements by Network Simulation Method. - C. 13-19.
- Zaytsev B. F., Asayеnok A. V., Protasova T. V., Klimenko D. V., Akimov D. V., Sirenko V. N. Dynamic Processes During the Through-plastic-damper Shock Interaction of Rocket Fairing Separation System Components. - C. 19-30.
- Tretyak A. V., Shut A. Yu., Gakal P. G. Influence of Thermal and Mechanical Factors on the Stressed State of Large Components of Hydrogenerator-Motors. - C. 31-38.
- Shulzhenko N. G., Gontarovskiy P. P., Garmash N. G., Melezhik I. I. Design Forecasting of Thermal Strength and Resource of Steam Turbine structural Components. - C. 38-46.
- Grebenyuk S. N., Klimenko M. I. Shear Modulus of a Fiber Composite with a Transtropic Viscolelastic Matrix and Transtropic Elastic Fiber. - C. 47-53.
- Kairov A. S., Morgun S. A. Use of Refined Finite Element Models for Solving the Contact Thermoalasticity Problem of Gas Turbine Rotors. - C. 53-58.
- Fridman M. M. Stepwise Optimization of I-section Flexible Elements Under a Fuzzy Approach to Taking into Account Corrosion and Protective Properties of Anticorrosive Coating. - C. 58-64.
- Mir-Salim-zade M. V. Slit system partial closure simulation in a stringer reinforced perforated isotropic medium. - C. 65-74.
- Avramenko A. N., Levterov A. M., Gladkova N. Yu. Numerical Simulation of Metal Hydride Battery Heat Conducting Matrix Heat-stressed and Deformed State. - C. 75-80.