Екологічна безпека та природокористування. 2018 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Екологічна безпека та природокористування 2018. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Yevheniy O., Yakovlev D. S. The factors and possible consequences of regional changes in engineering and geotechnical status of loesses and loessy-loamy soils of Ukraine. - C. 5-23.
- Vasilenko L. O., Zhukova O. G., Kokitko A. A. Estimation and forecast of changes in the hydrochemical status of the Tisza river. - C. 24-29.
- Koval I. I., Pohrebennyk V. D. Organization of municipal solid waste sorting: local aspect. - C. 30-39.
- Kryvomaz Т. I., Michaud A., Varavin D. V., Perebynos A. R. French green building rating systems. - C. 40-48.
- Telyma S. V. Calculations of the systematic vertical drainage under protection of the irrigated lands and the built-up territories from the ground waters submergence. - C. 49-58.
- Kyriienko P. G., Betin O. V., Kuznetsova N. V. Small sewage wastewater treatment plants for domestic wastewater. - C. 59-67.
- Shapovalov B. Y., Shapovalov V. B., Stryzhak O. Ye., Salyuk A. I. Ontology based systemazing of the science information devoted to waste utilizing by methanogenesys. - C. 68-78.
- Drozd I. P. To the problem of risk management in the field of the atomic industry of Ukraine. - C. 79-91.
- Radomska M. M., Ryabchevsky O. V., Vologzhanina V. V., Kovalska V. V. The EIA gap analysis for the project of dredging works at the Southern Bug river. - C. 92-102.