Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2018, 9 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2018. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Gun’ko V. M. Various methods to describe the morphological and textural characteristics of various materials. - C. 317-340.
- Turov V. V., Gun’ko V. M., Krupska T. V., Kartel M. T. Influence of solid and liquid hydrophobic compounds on characteristics of water located in an adsorption layer of a hydrophilic component of the system. - C. 341-352.
- Petranovska А. L., Abramov М. V., Opanashchuk N. М., Turanska S. P., Kusyak N. V., Gorbyk P. P. Synthesis and properties of magnetically sensitive nanocomposites based on magnetite and gemcitabine. - C. 353-361.
- Lisova O. M., Makhno S. M., Gunya G. M., Gorbyk P. P. Еlectrophysical properties of carbon nanotubes/NiCo composites. - C. 362-367.
- Zhuravlov А. Yu., Shijan А. V., Shirokov B. M. Gas-phase deposition of cavitation-resistant coatings based on boron carbide. - C. 368-372.
- Gerashchenko I. I. Physicochemical aspects of therapeutic effect of enterosorbents (theoretical research). - C. 373-382.
- Samsonenko M. M., Zakutevskyy O. I., Khalameida S. V., Skubiszewska-Zieba J., Kovtun М. F. Study of the physical-chemical and sorption properties of SnO2 prepared by mechanochemical and microwave routes. - C. 383-392.
- Bondarenko M. E., Silenko P. M., Gubareni N. I., Khyzhun O. Yu., Ostapovskaya N. Yu., Solonin Yu. M. Synthesis of multilayer azagraphene and carbon nitride oxide. - C. 393-403.
- Kuzema P. O., Bolbukh Yu. M., Tertykh V. A. Luminescent materials based on organic salts pyrolyzed at the silica surface. - C. 404-410.
- Olyshevets I. P., Severinovskaya O. V., Ovchynnikov V. A., Amirkhanov V. M. Laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (LDI MS) of terbium(III) coordination compound with new bis-chelating carbacylamidophosphate (CAPh) ligand. - C. 411-416.
- Dzyazko Yu. S., Ogenko V. M., Volfkovich Yu. M., Sosenkin V. E., Maltseva T. V., Yatsenko T. V., Kudelko K. O. Composite on the basis of hydrated zirconium dioxide and graphene oxide for removal of organic and inorganic components from water. - C. 417-431.
- Таgaev I. А., Tursunova S. U., Аndriyko L. S. Investigation and selection of initial materials as possible sources for obtaining sorbents. - C. 432-441.
- Sirenko O. G., Makhno S. M., Lisova O. M., Gunya G. M., Gorbyk P. P. Electrophysical properties of composites based on the epoxy resin and expanded graphite. - C. 442-446.