Economic annals-XXI. 2018 (170) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2018. Вип. 170 |
- Title, contents.
- Tikhonova A., Melnikova N., Lukács E. Consequences of the integration to the Eurasian Economic Union: methodology of statistical evaluation and first results. - C. 4-9.
- Lemishko О. Modelling of endogenous factors impacting the efficiency of the aggregate capital in Ukraine’s agriculture. - C. 10-14.
- Sokil O., Zhuk, V., Vasa L. Integral assessment of the sustainable development of agriculture in Ukraine. - C. 15-21.
- Khvesyk M., Bystryakov I., Obykhod H., Khvesyk Yu. Assessment of the safety of environment in terms of sustainable development. - C. 22-26.
- Popova N., Shynkarenko V., Kryvoruchko O., Zéman Z. Enterprise management in VUCA conditions. - C. 27-31.
- Slávik Š. Insight into start-up, its action and surroundings. - C. 32-37.
- Ilchenko N., Kulik A., Magda R. Trends in development of wholesale trade in Ukraine. - C. 38-42.
- Kostyshyn N., Semchyshyn L., Yakovets T. Modeling of an effective strategy of the process of product implementation with reference to seasonality. - C. 43-48.
- Dunn J., Brunner T., Legeza D., Konovalenko A., Demchuk O. Factors of the marketing macro system effecting children’s food production. - C. 49-56.
- Nor S. M., Zawawi N. H. M. Optimal portfolios vis-à-vis corporate governance ratings: some UK evidence. - C. 57-63.
- Khan A., Tabash M. I., Sarim M., Akhtar A. Examining anomalies in Islamic equity market of the emerging economies. - C. 64-68.
- Golubkova T., Kalinina K., Moussa H. A. Y. An analysis of international activity of foreign students in Latvia. - C. 69-72.
- Gribanova S., Abeltina A. Motivation of IT Students in contemporary Latvia. - C. 73-78.
- Gutsalenko L., Wasilewski M., Mulyk T., Marchuk U., Mulyk Ya. Accounting control of capital investment management: realities of Ukraine and Poland. - C. 79-84.