Відбір і обробка інформації. 2018 (46) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Відбір і обробка інформації 2018. Вип. 46 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Dzhala R. M., Dzhala V. R., Melnyk M. I., Horon B. I., Senyuk O. I. Influence of the pipe defect on its magnetic field. - C. 5-10.
- Dzhala R. M., Verbenets B. Ya., Horon B. I., Senyuk O. I. Antiinterference determination of underground pipeline placement. - C. 11-18.
- Javorskyj І. М., Dzeryn O. Y., Yuzefovych R. М. Covariance LSM-analysis of biperiodic nonstationary vibration signals. - C. 19-28.
- Skalsky V. R., Mokryy O. M., Rudavskyy D. V. The method of measuring the velocity of surface acoustic waves by laser probing. - C. 29-33.
- Ivasenko І. B., Berehulyak O. R., Vorobel R. A. Analysis of dimple shape on fractographic heat-resistant steel images. - C. 34-37.
- Mandziy T. S., Ivasenko I. B. Segmentation of corrosion damage images with unknown background by energy minimization. - C. 38-42.
- Rubel A. S., Lukin V. V. Assessment of visual quality of denoised images. - C. 43-49.
- Stasyshyn I. V., Kotsiuba Y. M., Muravsky L. I., Voronyak T. I. Retrieving the surface relief components using phase-shifting interferometry and Gaussian filter. - C. 50-53.
- Krasniuk R. P., Tsegelyk G. G. Modeling of the optimal databases allocation of information systems by the availability of intermediate servers. - C. 54-60.
- Dosyn D. H. Pertinence evaluation system architecture on a basis of learning ontology with planning in a certain domain. - C. 61-67.
- Yerokhin A. L., Zolotukhin O. V. Fuzzy probabilistic neural network in document classification tasks. - C. 68-71.
- Vorobel R. A. To the 100-th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - C. 72-73.
- Vorobel R. A. The V-th Scientific Conference "Computational Methods and Information Transformation Systems – 2018" in honor of prof. Bohdan Popov. - C. 73-74.
- Borys Yevhenovych Paton – President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (to the 100th birthday). - C. 75.