Journal of mechanical engineering. 2019, 22 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2019. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Nechaev A. V. Experimental Study of the Effects of a Constant and Variable Electric Fields on the Strength Properties of the Blade Steel Surface Layer. - C. 4-8.
- Gakal P. G., Gorbenko G. A., Turna R. Yu., Reshitov E. R. Heat Transfer During Subcooled Boiling in Tubes (A Review). - C. 9-16.
- Kyrylova O. I., Popov V. H. Stressed State of a Hollow Cylinder with a System of Cracks under Longitudinal Shear Harmonic Oscillations. - C. 16-24.
- Kovalchuk S. B., Goryk O. V. Major Stress-Strain State of Double Support Multilayer Beams Under Concentrated Load. Part 2. Model Implementation and Calculation Results. - C. 24-32.
- Degtyarev M. A., Danchenko V. G., Shapoval A. V., Avramov K. V. Experimental Strength Analysis of Variable Stiffness Waffel-Grid Cylindrical Compartments. Part 1. Experimental Procedure. - C. 33-37 .
- Loveykin V. S., Pochka K. I., Pristaylo N. A., Pochka O. B. Substantiation of Boundary Accelerations of Roller Forming Unit Optimal Reversal Mode According to Fourth-Order Acceleration. - C. 38-52.
- Anosov V. L., Bohdanova L. M., Kolodiazhnyi V. M., Litovka V. D. Solution of the Structural Optimization Problem of a Multiagent Approach Based Cutter Design. - C. 53-59.
- Sheyko T. I., Maksymenko-Sheiko K. V., Morozova A. I. Screw-Type Symmetry in Machine Components and Design at Implementation on a 3D Printer. - C. 60-66.
- Yaskov G. N. Methodology to Solve Multi-Dimentional Sphere Packing Problems. - C. 67-75.
- Levterov A. M., Umerenkova K. R. Calculated Evaluation of the Thermal Physical Properties of Nitrogen as a Working Fluid of Cryogenic Piston Engines. Heat Conductivity Calculation. - C. 76-83.