Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2018, 90 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2018. Вип. 5 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Pushkarev V. M., Kovzun O. I., Pushkarev V. V., Guda B. B., Tronko M. D. Biochemical aspects of the combined use of taxanes, irradiation and other antineoplastic agents for the treatment of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma. - C. 5-18.
- Borzova N. V., Varbanets L. D. Influence of chemical reagents and UV irradiation on the activity of Penicillium canescens α-galactosidase. - C. 19-27.
- Osadchuk T. V., Shybyryn O. V., Semyroz A. V., Kibirev V. K. Influence of organic solvents on the furin activity. - C. 28-33.
- Veklich Т. O., Skrabak O. A., Nikonishyna Yu. V., Rodik R. V., Kalchenko V. I., Kosterin S. O. Calix |4|arene С-956 selectively inhibits plasma membrane Са2+,Mg2+-АТРase in myometrial cells.
- Afanasieva K. S., Olefirenko V. V., Sivolob A. V. DNA loops after cell lysis resemble chromatin loops in an intact nucleus. - C. 43-49.
- Yastreb Т. О., Kolupaev Yu. E., Shvidenko N. V., Dmitriev A. P. Action of methyl jasmonate and salt stress on antioxidant system of Arabidopsis plants defective in jasmonate signaling genes. - C. 50-59.
- Storozhuk B. G., Pyrogova L. V., Chernyshenko T. M., Kostiuchenko O. P., Kolesnikova I. M., Platonova T. M., Storozhuk O. B., Storozhuk L. O., Bereznitsky G. K., Zap P. Yu. Overall haemostasis potential of the blood plasma and its relation to some molecular markers of the hemostasis system in patients with chronic renal disease of stage VD. - C. 60-70.
- Falfushynska H. I., Horyn O. I., Khoma V. V., Tereshchuk G. V., Osadchuk D. V., Rusnak N. I., Stoliar O. B. Evaluation of metallothioneins, oxidative stress and signs of cytotoxicity in young obese women. - C. 71-80.
- Dziuba O. S., Hudz Ie. A., Kosiakova H. V., Horid’ko T. M., Klimashevsky V. M., Hula N. M. The effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on adipocytes free cholesterol content and phospholipid composition in rats with obesity-induced insulin resistance. - C. 81-90.
- Krynytska I. Ya., Marushchak M. I. The indices of nitrogen (II) oxide system in experimental hepatopulmonary syndrome. - C. 91-97.
- Gudkova O. O., Latyshko N. V., Zaitseva O. V., Shandrenko S. G. Purification procedure and assay for the activity of lysyl oxidase. - C. 98-105.
- Kosterin S. O., Danilova V. M. Founder of molecular immunology in Ukraine, well-known political and public figure. On the 75th birthday of Academician of the NAS of Ukraine S. V. Komisarenko. - C. 106-116.
- The FEBS3+ Meeting - XIth Parnas Conference – Young Scientists Forum ‘Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Innovative Medicine’. - C. 117-119.
- The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018. - C. 120.
- The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018. - C. 121.