Фізика низьких температур. 2019, 45 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2019. Вип. 3 |
- Титул.
- Content.
- Preface. - C. 287-288.
- Nikonkov R. V., Stachowiak P., Jeżowski A. Influence of different nanoparticles embedded in crystalline carbon monoxide matrix on heat transfer in the nanocomposite. - C. 289-293.
- Yakub L. N., Bodiul E. S. Thermodynamic properties of CH4, CCl4 and CF4 on the melting line. Theory and computer simulation. - C. 294-300.
- Leont’eva A., Prokhorov A., Romanusha V., Efimov V. Quantum effects in cryocrystals in a wide temperature range. - C. 301-309.
- Yakub E. S. Role of short-range atom-atom forces in formation of the orientational structure of simple molecular crystals. - C. 310-317.
- Pelmenev A. A., Bykhalo I. B., Krushinskaya I. N., Boltnev R. E. Studies of charging mechanisms in impurityhelium condensates by means of impedance spectroscopy and current spectroscopy. - C. 318-324.
- Konstantinov V. A., Karachevtseva A. V., Revyakin V. P., Sagan V. V. The lower limit of thermal conductivity in multicomponent solutions of rare gas solids. - C. 325-331.
- Fornalski D., García Sakai V., Postorino S., Silverwood I., Goodway C., Bones J., Kirichek O., Fernandez-Alonso F. Simultaneous thermodynamic and dynamical characterisation using in situ calorimetry with neutron spectroscopy. - C. 332-337.
- Nellis W. J. Dense quantum hydrogen. - C. 338-341.
- Yen F. Magnetic properties of hexamethylbenzene. - C. 342-346.
- Ozerov G. K., Bezrukov D. S., Buchachenko A. A. Computational study of the stable atomic trapping sites in Ar lattice. - C. 347-355.
- McColgan P. T., Sheludiakov S., Rentzepis P. M., Lee D. M., Khmelenko V. V. Rotationally induced luminescence of nanoclusters immersed in superfluid helium. - C. 356-362.
- Rojas-Lorenzo G., Lara-Moreno M., Gutiérrez-Quintanilla A., Chevalier M., Crépin C. Theoretical study of "trapping sites” in cryogenic rare gas solids doped with β-dicarbonyl molecules. - C. 363-370.
- Krainyukova N. V., Bogdanov Yu., Kuchta B. Absorption–desorption of carbon dioxide in carbon honeycombs at elevated temperatures. - C. 371-376.
- Moratalla M., Bejarano P., Castilla J. M., Ramos M. A. Residual entropy in the zero-temperature limit of toluene glass. - C. 377-383.
- Chishko K. A., Rybalko A. S. Microwave spectroscopy of superfluid He II. - C. 384-390.
- Sumarokov V. V., Jeżowski A., Stachowiak P., Freiman Yu. A. The thermal diffusivity of molecular cryocrystals. - C. 391-394.
- Sumarokov V. V., Jeźowski A., Szewczyk D., Bagatski M. I., Barabashko M. S., Ponomarev A. N., Kuznetsov V. L., Moseenkov S. I. The low-temperature specific heat of MWCNTs. - C. 395-403.
- Manzhelii E. V., Feodosyev S. B., Gospodarev I. A. Phonon spectra and vibrational heat capacity of quasi-one-dimensional structures formed by rare gas atoms on the surface of carbon nanotube bundles. - C. 404-412.