Ukrainian journal of physics. 2019, 64 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2019. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Haurysh V. Yu., Andreev V. V. Dalitz decays of unflavored mesons in the poincar? covariant quark model. - C. 451-456.
- Blonskyi I. V., Kadan V. M., Pavlova S. V., Pavlov I. A., Shpotyuk O. I., Khasanov O. K. Ultrashort light pulses in transparent solids: Propagation peculiarities and practical applications. - C. 457-463.
- Eremko A. A., Brizhik L., Loktev V. M. Generalized spin-orbit interaction and its manifestation in two-dimensional electron systems. - C. 464-476.
- Vaskivskyi V. I. Third-order correlation functions for a Coulomb pair. - C. 477-486.
- Khomenko A. V. Self-similar mode of metals fragmentation under severe plastic deformation. - C. 487-499.
- Zdorevskyi O. O., Volkov S. N. The possibility of blocking the process of DNA base pairs opening by hydrogen peroxide. - C. 500-508.
- Tomchenko M. D. Electric field and electric forces in a spontaneously polarized nonpolar isotropic dielectric. - C. 509-521.
- Neimash V. B., Nikolenko A. S., Strelchuk V. V., Shepelyavyi P. Ye., Litvinchuk P. M., Melnyk V. V., Olkhovyk I. V. Influence of laser light on the formation and properties of silicon nanocrystals in a-Si/Sn layered structures. - C. 522-531.
- Sizova Z. I., Gorbatch V. N., Mozul K. A. Local magnetic anisotropy of the Co-based amorphous alloy. - C. 532-538.