Geodynamics. 2018 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) ![English English](/en.png)
![](/j-cover/img/geod.jpg) | Geodynamics 2018. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Marchenko A., Lopushanskyi A. Change in the zonal harmonic coefficient c20, earth’s polar flattening, and dynamical ellipticity from SLR data. - C. 5-14.
- Savchuk S., Yankiv-Vitkovska L., Dzhuman B. The influences of seismic processes, the Sun and the Moon on the small changes of coordinates of GNSS-stations. - C. 15-26.
- Fys М., Brydun А., Yurkiv М. Method for approximate construction of three-dimensional mass distribution function and gradient of an elipsoidal planet based on external gravitational field parameters. - C. 27-36.
- Hryhorchuk K., Hnidets V., Balandiuk L. Lithogenetic aspects of oil and gas systems formation in the volyno-podolia silurian deposits. - C. 37-48.
- Shlapinskyi V. Pokuttia deep fault and its influence on tectonics and the oil- and gas-bearing of the south-eastern segment of the carpathians. - C. 49-64.
- Semenov V., Ladanivskyy B., Petrishchev M. Emerging of earthquakes footprint in natural electromagnetic field variations. - C. 65-70.
- Orlyuk M., Drukarenko V., Onyshchuk I., Solodkyi I. The association of physical properties of deep reservoirs of the hlynsko-solokhivskyi oil-and-gas region with geomagnetic field and fault-block tectonics. - C. 71-88.