Економічні інновації. 2018, 20 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Економічні інновації 2018. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Burkinskyi B. V., Laiko O. I., Losyev M. I. Realization of sustainable development aims for industry and innovations on glocalization principles. - C. 7-22.
- Avanesova N. E., Valkovska G. І., Beketsky R. M. Managing of a modern industrial enterprise: initiation of reengineering of business processes. - C. 23-31.
- Hetman O. L. Proposals regarding formation of risks preventing mechanisms to environmental sound development in the fuel and energy sector. - C. 32-43.
- Hrinchenko Y. L., Robul I. V., Zalubinska L. M. Development of price strategies to support brand positioning: strategic issues for marketing policies. - C. 44-54.
- Dub B. S. Content analysis of doctoral dissertations on enterprise economic security, defended in Ukraine in 2000-2018. - C. 55-67.
- Ilchenko S. V. Theoretical prerequisite of "green" economics innovation paradigm formation in the system of urban transport sustainable development. - C. 68-77.
- Karpenko O., Turenko L., Karpenko H. Modern tools for the ensuring the eco development of the national model of the "green" economy. - C. 78-90.
- Kovalevskyy S. V., Kovalevska O. S., Osipov V. M. Concept of the multynomenclature reconfigurable machine repair cluster. - C. 91-100.
- Kupinets L. E., Shershun O. M. Risk prevention of atmospheric pollution by implementation of the environmental management system at the heat energy facilities. - C. 101-111.
- Martienko A. I., Tiutiunnyk H. O. Supporting of sustainable use of territories and objects of the natural reserve fund on the basis of the "green economy". - C. 112-123.
- Popko O. V. Industry of Rivne region: current state and strategic targets of development. - C. 124-134.
- Rubel O. E., Zhikhareva A. A. The concept of the implementation of the performance-based research funding tool. - C. 135-147.
- Sadchenko O. V., Nichitailova M. S. Environmentally responsible marketing in natural use. - C. 148-159.