Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2019, 10 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2019. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Tsitsishvili V. G., Dolaberidze N. M., Nijaradze M. O., Mirdzveli N. A., Amiridze Z. S. Bactericidal adsorbents obtained by ion exchange modification of natural phillipsite. - C. 327-339.
- Gun’ko V. M. Theoretical analysis of adsorption of various compounds onto hydrophilic and hydrophobic silicas compared to activated carbons. - C. 340-354.
- Demianenko E. M., Теrets М. І., Sementsov Yu. I., Makhno S. M., Kuts V. S., Grebenyuk A. G., Kartel M. T. Theoretical study on the effect of carbon graphenous nanoclusters on the stability and capacity of polyamide in a nanocomposite. - C. 355-366.
- Oliinyk N. O., Ilnytska G. D., Bazaliy G. A., Zaitseva I. M., Marinich M. A., Sizonenko O. M., Torpakov A. S. Special features for functionalization of carbon nanotubes nanopowders. - C. 367-376.
- Shapovalova M. V., Khalyavka T. A., Khyzhun O. Y., Shcherban N. D., Permyakov V. V., Scherbakov S. N. The influence of titanium dioxide modification by sulfur and carbon on physico-chemical and photocatalytic properties. - C. 377-388.
- Kochkodan O. D., Maksin V. I., Boiko R. S. Features of adsorption of binary mixtures of cationic and non-ionic surfactants by non-porous carbon sorbent. - C. 389-397.
- Bondarenko M. E., Silenko P. M., Solonin Yu. M., Gubareni N. I., Khyzhun O. Yu., Ostapovskaya N. Yu. Synthesis O-g-C3N4/TiO2 rutile composite material for photocatalytic application. - C. 398-409.
- Sanzhak O. V., Brazhnyk D. V., Honcharov V. V., Zazhigalov V. A., Azimov F. A. The physico-chemical properties of Ті-containing stainless steel composites and its photoactivity. - C. 410-418.
- Petranovska A. L., Abramov M. V., Оpanashchuk N. М., Turanska S. P., Gorbyk P. P., Kusyak N. V., Kusyak А. P., Lukyanova N. Yu., Chekhun V. F. Magnetically sensitive nanocomposites and magnetic liquids based on magnetite, gemcitabine, and antibody HER2. - C. 419-431.
- Dzyazko Yu. S., Ogenko V. M., Shteinberg L. Ya., Bildуukevich A. V., Yatsenko T. V. Composite adsorbents including oxidized graphene: effect of composition on mechanical durability and adsorption of pesticides. - C. 432-445.
- Vasylyeva H. V., Mironyuk I. F., Mykytyn I. M. Аdsorption of Co2+ and radioactive 60Со by mesoporous TiO2. - C. 446-457.