Геотехнічна механіка. 2019 (148) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Геотехнічна механіка 2019. Вип. 148 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Ahaiev R. A., Dudlia K. E., Prytula D. O. Establishing the interrelation of the main influencing factors on the safety of methane-air mixture transportation. - C. 3-11.
- Baranovskyi V. I., Kuznetsova L. D. Petrographic assessment of coal gas content. - C. 12-18.
- Bezruchko K. A., Diachenko N. A., Diachenko A. S. Analysis of tectonic deformations dynamics on the example of the area of the south-west wing of Kalmius-Toretsk kettle hole. - C. 19-28.
- Vlasenko V. V., Zhytlonok D. М. Hydrodynamic impact on coal mass before crossing the most outburst-prone coal seams. - C. 29-36.
- Hladkov O. Yu., Mnukhin A. H., Stasevych R. K. Estimate of intrinsic safety of capacitive circuits. - C. 37-46.
- Zberovskyi V. V., Zhulai Yu. A., Myrnyi S. S. Evaluation of the cavitation generator efficiency in the hydro impulsive loosening of a coal-bed. - C. 47-55.
- Zmiievska K. O., Zmiievskyi A. S. Study of the ravine-gully system of the city of dnipro with the aim of returning their territories to the urban infrastructure. - C. 56-69.
- Kliuiev E. S., Sapunova I. O., Ivanov V. A. Geotechnological methods of gas extraction from technogenic coal deposits. - C. 70-83.
- Kurnosov S. A., Zerkal V. V. Laws of gas draining in the massif disturbed by mining operations. - C. 84-91.
- Lukinov V. V., Zhykaliak M. V. Forecast of the position of promising sand reservoirs in the cross-section of the carboniferous gas-bearing stratum. - C. 92-104.
- Novikov L. A., Bokii О. B. Calculation of degassing networks taking into account the accumulation of the liquid phase. - C. 105-113.
- Pymonenko L. I., Karhapolov A. A., Kuznetsova L. D., Prykhodchenko O. V. Geological factors of gassing of the east inclined longwall №3 of m3 bed at O. F. Zasiadko mine. - C. 114-122.
- Prykhodchenko O. V., Prykhodchenko S. Yu., Tokar L. O. Determining of integral permeability of undermined coal rock mass in closed mines. - C. 123-130.
- Sapehin V. M. Successive approximation method applying to obtain the transient elastic medium deformations. - C. 131-138.
- Slashchov O. A. Water effect on the rocks and mine roadways stability. - C. 139-147.
- Sofiiskyi К. К., Pеtukh O. P. The results of experimental research of the parameters of methane capturing by local degassing wells in the undermining area. - C. 148-156.
- Tynyna S. V., Babenko V. G. Investigation of the fluids influence on change of sandstones collectors mechanical properties during saturation and degassing. - C. 157-164.
- Shevchenko V. G., Slashchov A. І. Justification of the basic algorithms of the mine safety information system. - C. 165-173.
- Shevchenko H. O., Sushchenko O. I., Zozulia H. P. Oscillation modes of vibrating feeders with vibro-impact adaptive drive at the output of reflacted ore from chambers of wining blocks. - C. 174-185.
- Output data.