Journal of mechanical engineering. 2020, 23 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2020. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Rusanov A. V., Shvetsov V. L., Alyokhina S. V., Pashchenko N. V., Rusanov R. A., Ishchenko M. H., Slaston L. O., Sherfedinov R. B. The Efficiency Increase of the Steam Turbine Low Pressure Cylinder Last Stage by the Blades Spatial Profiling. - C. 6-14.
- Avramov K. V., Kabylbekova B. N., Seitkazenova K. K., Myrzaliyev D. S., Pecherskiy V. N. Nonlocal Anisotropic Shell Model of Linear Vibrations of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes. - C. 14-26.
- Hnitko V. I., Dehtiarov K. H., Moskalenko R. P., Strelnikova O. O. Computational Model for Durability Analysis of Structure Elements with Defects. - C. 27-38.
- Sklepus S. M. Method to Study the Creep of Complex-Shaped Functionally-Graded Bodies. - C. 38-45.
- Mustafin M. A., Ryzhov D. І., Shuhailo O. P., Shuhailo O. P., Buriak R. Ya., Pidhaietskyi T. V., Kruhlii Ya. D. Application Peculiarities of the SMA Method in the Estimation of NPP Structures, Systems and Elements by Means of Computational Complexes. - C. 46-52.
- Rudenko A. A., Zaitsev V. I., Sirobaba Yu. V. Use of In-house Design Modules When Choosing Bearing Assemblies for Pumps Being Designed. - C. 52-58.
- Filatov H. V. Optimal Design of Smooth Shells both With and Without Taking into Account Initial Imperfections. - C. 58-64.
- Sheludko H. A., Ugrimov S. V. Adaptive Computation of Curve Lengths Given by Non-differentiable Functions. - C. 65-72.