Геотехнічна механіка. 2019 (146) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Геотехнічна механіка 2019. Вип. 146 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Bunko T. V., Shyshov M. V., Myroshnychenko V. V., Kokoulin I. Ye., Dudnyk M. M. Estimation and use materials of the airily-depressed surveys on the coal mines of Ukraine. - C. 3-17.
- Cholyshkina V. V., Kostyria S. V. Determination of dependencies for dewatering ash and slag waste of heat electric power stations on equipment parameters. - C. 18-27.
- Ishchenko K. S., Konoval V. M., Lohvyna L. O. An effective way to rock mass preparation on metallic and nonmetallic quarries of Ukraine. - C. 28-40.
- Krukovskyi O. P., Krukovska V. V. Numerical simulation of the stress state of the layered gas-bearing rocks in the bottom of mine working. - C. 41-49.
- Kurnosov S. A., Zerkal V. V. About trends of improvement of technological schemes for methane recovery from the rock-coal massif. - C. 50-60.
- Lapshyn Ye. S., Molchanov R. N., Blyuss B. А., Osadcha N. V. Improving the criteria for choosing the strategies in management by geotechnical systems. - C. 61-68.
- Makeiev S. Yu., Andreiev S. Yu., Ryzhov H. A. The study of the process of physic-chemical destruction of coal by the method of physical modeling. - C. 69-78.
- Medvedeva O. O., Kyrychko S. М., Nykyforova N. A., Koval N. V. Substantiation of the boundary of the tailings storage core during the storing of the cleaning rejects by hydraulic method. - C. 79-90.
- Monastyrskyi V. F., Monastyrskyi S. V., Mostovyi B. I. Effect of water medium upon the process of ore disintegration in wet self-grinding mills. - C. 91-98.
- Nadutyі V. P., Lohinova A. O., Sukharev V. V. Mathematical modeling of the main technological parameters of the two-rotor shock-centrifugal disintegrator on the basis of correlation analysis. - C. 99-106.
- Pymonenko L. I., Burchak O. V., Balalaiev O. K., Slobodiannykova V. K., Sierikov Yu. A. Change of parameters in molecular structure of Donbas coals under the influence of external factors. - C. 107-117.
- Skipochka S. I., Serhiienko V. M., Amelin V. A., Sytnіchenko O. Yu. Organization of geomechanical monitoring for non-metallic deposits chambers roofs. - C. 118-130.
- Slashchova O. A., Slashchov І. M., Sapunova I. O. Specific solution of problem of water filtering in the rocks by the finite element method. - C. 131-141.
- Palamarchuk T. A. Theoretical aspects of monitoring synergistic processes in the rock massif. - C. 142-149.
- Zhihula T. I. Torsion of an unevenly loaded tubular belt on a straight route of a belt tubular conveyor. - C. 150-158.
- Zhykaliak M. V., Lukinov V. V. Coal energy systems of the future – innovative way of Ukraine's energy development. - C. 159-168.