Фізика низьких температур. 2020, 46 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2020. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Content.
- Preface. - C. 375-376.
- Reichhardt C., Reichhardt C. J. O. Vortex guidance and transport in channeled pinning arrays. - C. 377-385.
- Lara A., González-Ruano C., Aliev F. G. Time-dependent Ginsburg–Landau simulations of superconducting vortices in three dimensions. - C. 386-394.
- Smirnova E. I., Rezaev R. O., Fomin V. M. Simulation of dynamics of the order parameter in superconducting nanostructured materials: Effect of the magnetic field renormalization. - C. 395-401.
- Aichner B., Mletschnig K. L., Muller B., Karrer M., Dosmailov M., Pedarnig J. D., Kleiner R., Koelle D., Lang W. Angular magnetic-field dependence of vortex matching in pinning lattices fabricated by focused or masked helium ion beam irradiation of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7–? thin films. - C. 402-409.
- Kasatkin A. L., Tsvetkovskii V. P. Misorientation angle dependence of the critical current in HTS bicrystals with low-angle |001|-tilt grain boundaries. - C. 410-415.
- Pompeo N., Alimenti A., Torokhtii K., Silva E. Physics of vortex motion by means of microwave surface impedance measurements. - C. 416-421.
- Malyshev V., Melkov G., Prokopenko O. Microwave devices based on superconducting surface electromagnetic wave resonator. - C. 422-432.
- Melnyk S. I., Melnyk S. S., Lavrinovich A. A., Cherpak N. T. Catastrophe theory in the phenomenological description of the avalanche effect in dc-biased microwave HTSC transmission lines. - C. 433-440.
- Pinheiro L. B. L. G., Caputo M., Cirillo C., Attanasio C., Johansen T. H., Ortiz W. A., Silhanek A. V., Motta M. Magnetic flux avalanches in Nb/NbN thin films. - C. 441-448.
- Vodolazov D. Yu. Flux flow instability in type II superconducting strips: Spatially uniform versus nonuniform transition. - C. 449-451.
- Leo A., Nigro A., Grimaldi G. Critical phenomenon of vortex motion in superconductors: Vortex instability and flux pinning. - C. 452-456.
- Cirillo C., Caputo M., Parlato L., Ejrnaes M., Salvoni D., Cristiano R., Pepe G. P., Attanasio C. Ultrathin superconducting NbRe microstrips with hysteretic voltage-current characteristic. - C. 457-461.
- Bozhko D. A., Vasyuchka V. I., Chumak A. V., Serga A. A. Magnon–phonon interactions in magnon spintronics. - C. 462-480.
- Ekino T., Gabovich A. M., Li M. S., Szymczak H., Voitenko A. I. Break-junction tunneling spectra of Bi2212 superconducting ceramics: Influence of inhomogeneous d-wave-Cooper-pairing and charge-density-wave order parameters. - C. 481-496.
- Kabanov V. V. Electron-electron and electron-phonon relaxation in metals excited by optical pulse. - C. 497-503.
- Fil D. V., Shevchenko S. I. Vortex generation in a superfluid gas of dipolar chains in crossed electric and magnetic fields. - C. 504-508.
- Bondarenko S. I., Koverya V. P., Krevsun A. V. Transport and magnetic properties of a superconducting closed loop containing a thin-film quantum interferometer. - C. 509-515.