Plant introduction. 2020 (85-86) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Plant introduction 2020. Вип. 85-86 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Zaimenko N. V., Pavlіuchenko N. A., Ellanska N. E., Ivanytska B. O., Kharytonova I. P., Yunosheva O. P., Skrypchenko N. V., Zhang P., Liu D., Shen J., Tian L. Comparative analysis of agrochemical, allelopathic and microbiological characteristics of the soil environment for Actinidia arguta (Siebold et Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. cultivated in Ukraine and two provinces of China. - C. 3-14.
- Roche J., Didyk N. P., Ivanytska B. O., Zaimenko N. V., Chudovska O. O. Effects of the electromagnetic field of Wi-Fi systems and experimental gadget M4 on growth, development and photosynthesis of wheat. - C. 15-24.
- Klymenko S. V., Ilyinska A. P. Biometric characteristics of fruits and leaves of Cornus officinalis Siebold et Zucc. genotypes in the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. - C. 25-40.
- Rositska N. V. Influence of drought on allelopathic properties of Pinus sylvestris L.. - C. 41-49.
- Novikov A., Mitka J. Spatial analysis and distribution modeling of Aconitum moldavicum in Ukrainian Carpathians and adjacent territories with special reference to the algorithm used. - C. 50-64.
- Yukhimenko Y. S., Korshykov I. I. Representatives of Rosaceae Juss. in the various structure-functional types of decorative plantings of Kryvyi Rih city (Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine). - C. 65-74.
- Shynder O. I., Negrash Y. M. Sedum pallidum (Crassulaceae) – alien species of the flora of plain part of Ukraine. - C. 75-84.
- Gritsenko V. V. Morphological peculiarities of fruits of the rare species Iris halophila Pall, I. pumila L. and I. hungarica Waldst. et Kit. (Iridaceae Juss.) in the conditions of introduction in the meadow-steppe cultural phytocenosis. - C. 85-92.
- Honchar G. Y., Gnatiuk A. M. Urban ornamental plants for sustenance of wild bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). - C. 93-108.
- Tsarenko O. M., Bulakh O. V., Kolesnichenko O. V., Hrysiuk S. M. Carpological features of Lonicera L. (Caprifoliaceae Juss.) of the flora of Ukraine. - C. 109-123.
- Bedernichek T., Loya V., Parnikoza I. Content of biogenic and toxic elements in the leaves of Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv. (Poaceae): a preliminary study. - C. 124-129.
- Hleb R., Loya V., Cherepanyn R. Salix herbacea L. (Salicaceae) in the Maramures massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians. - C. 130-136.