Theory and practice of science education. 2019, 1 (1-2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Theory and practice of science education 2019. Вип. 1-2 |
- Title.
- Table of contents.
- Dovgyi S. Introductory words. - C. 2-4.
- Halchenko V., Illin V., Svyrydenko D. Scientific, philosophical and useful knowledge: prospects for development of education. - C. 8-18.
- Karamanov O. Features of Pedagogical Activity of Museums in the Contemporary Educational Environment. - C. 19-27.
- Ngome-Abiaga J.-P. The Light of Civilizations for Global Sustainable Development. - C. 28-33.
- Slipukhina I., Polikhun N., Chernetskyi I. Principles of Implementation of Specialized Science-Oriented Education in Ukraine. - C. 34-47.
- Atamas A. Use of Modern Computer-Based Training Resources in Energy Education. - C. 49-57.
- Babiichuk S., Iurkiv L., Tomchenko O., Kuchma T. Implementation of Science Education Principles at the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Using Remote Sensing Data. - C. 58-70.
- Bida D. "KOLOSOK” Resource Center as a part of STEM-education in Ukraine. - C. 71-82.
- Bilyk Z., Shapovalov Y., Shapovalov V. The scientific, engineering methods and their integration as part of STEM education. The practical guide. - C. 83-104.
- Demianenko V. Ontological Aspects of Formation of Open Education Systems. - C. 105-114.
- Demianenko V. Artificial Intelligence Systems in Adaptive Learning. - C. 115-123.
- Dovgyi S., Panasenko N., Frechka V., Kazakova O. Science Education as an Academic Basis for Entrepreneurial Skills Development in High School Setting. - C. 124-137.
- Kalnoy S. Ontological Model of E-Scenario of Scientific Research as a Means of Organizing Operational Research Knowledge Base. - C. 138-147.
- Lewis J., Gregory M., Palmberg D., Vizzini C. Performance-based approaches to science education: European experiences and global possibilities. - C. 148-157.