Economic annals-XXI. 2019 (177) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2019. Вип. 177 |
- Title,contents.
- Ryazanova N. Energy-information concept of value. - C. 4-21.
- Boniak V., Minka T., Мysliva O. Origins of the institution of corruption in post-socialist states: economic, legal and institutional aspects. - C. 22-33.
- Lehka O., Myroniuk R., Myroniuk S., Lukács E. Terrorism with a "woman’s appearance": economic background and legal tools for forming a counteracting strategy. - C. 34-43.
- Tikhonova A., Telegina Zh., Babanskaya A., Grudneva A. Evaluation of the optimal ratio for consumption and income taxes with the use of econometric methods. - C. 44-52.
- Anh T. Ch., Thu Th. N., Thi Th. T., Thanh N. Ch., Hanh H. Th. The effects of world crude oil price on the real effective exchange rate: empirical evidences from Vietnam. - C. 53-69.
- Steshenko Ju., Artemyev A., Myktybaev T., Khavanova I., Masterov A., Ponomareva M. Assessment of the impact of socio-economic factors on productivity increase. - C. 70-81.
- Kovalenko V., Kuznetsova L., Sergeeva E., Todorova N., Mylashko O., Tej Ju. Cluster approach to banking supervision with reference to bank risk profile. - C. 82-91.
- Taubayev A., Kamenova A., Legostayeva A., Srailova G., Ayazhanov K. Innovative entrepreneurship development: main problems and educational limitations in Kazakhstan. - C. 92-100.
- Sikhimbayev M., Shugаiроvа Zh., Orynbassarova Ye., Dzhazykbaeva B. Readiness for changes among managers of mining and metallurgy industry: a case of Kazakhstan. - C. 101-113.
- Grebennyk N., Navrozova Yu., Danchenko O., Jakubek P. Methodical approaches to the management of the crewing company efficiency. - C. 114-125.
- Medvid V., Pylypenko V., Pylypenko N., Ustik T., Volchenko N., Vashchenko M. Factors of rural development in the context of decentralisation: empirical research. - C. 126-140.