Biotechnologia Acta. 2020, 13 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2020. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Krasnopolsky Yu. М., Pylypenko D. М. "Quality by design” in liposomal drugs creation. - C. 5-12.
- Obodovych O., Sydorenko V. Realities and prospects of future complex processing of plant raw materials into biothetanol and by-products. - C. 13-23.
- Druzhyna N. Gasomediator H2S in thrombosis and hemostasis. - C. 24-29.
- Fomina E. G., Grigorieva E. E., Zverko V. V., Vladyko A. S. Expression of nucleocapsid viral proteins in the bacterial system of Escherichia coli: the influence of the codon composition and the uniformity of its distribution within gene. - C. 30-40.
- Sokol A. A., Grekov D. A., Yemets G. I., Shchotkina N. V., Dovghaliuk A. A., Rudenko N. M., Yemets I. M. Prospects for application of bovine pericardial scaffold for cardial surgery. - C. 41-49.
- Yatsenko T. A., Kharchenko S. M. Polyclonal antibodies against human plasminogen: purification, characterization and application. - C. 50-57.
- Kit M., Zlenko O., Solodiankin O., Bolotin V., Gerilovych A. Development of recombinant positive control for Аfrican swine fever virus PCR detection. - C. 58-63.