Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2020, 11 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2020. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Karachevtseva L. A., Lytvynenko O. O., Onyshchenko V. F., Strelchuk V. V., Boyko V. A. Exciton-polaritons in 2D macroporous silicon structures with nano-coatings. - C. 445-455.
- Тurov V. V., Gun’ko V. М., Krupskaia Т. V., Andriyko L. S., Marynin А. I., Pasichnyi V. N. Thixotropic system based on mixture of hydrophilic and hydrophobic silica. - C. 456-469.
- Tsintskaladze G. P., Eprikashvili L. G., Kordzakhia T. N., Sharashenidze T. V., Zautashvili M. G., Gabunia V. M. Investigation of some volcanic glasses of Georgian deposits. - C. 470-476.
- Fesenko T. V., Laguta I. V., Stavynska O. M., Oranska O. I. Synthesis of cerium oxide nanoparticles using Vitex extract. - C. 477-483.
- Kuzema P. O., Starokadomsky D. L., Tkachenko O. O., Tertykh V. A. Reinforcement of epoxy polymers with hydride-silylated fumed silica. - C. 484-491.
- Bondarenko M. E., Silenko P. M., Solonin Yu. M., Ragulya A. V., Zahornyi M. M., Shvalagin V. V., Gubareni N. I., Khyzhun O. Yu. Influence of the phase composition of the TiO2 matrix on the optical properties and morphology of deposited C3N4Ox nanoparticles. - C. 492-507.
- Lavrynenko O. M., Zahornyi M. N., Bataiev M. M., Bataiev Yu. M., Pavlenko O. Yu., Kornienko O. A. UV irradiation effect on paramagnetic properties of nanomagnetite doped with Ag(I) and Au(III) cations. - C. 508-515.
- Ushakova L. M., Demianenko E. M., Terets M. I., Lobanov V. V., Kartel N. T. Analysis of the interaction between N-acetylneuraminic acid and disaccharides on silica surface. - C. 516-527.
- Korniichuk N. М., Turanska S. P., Petranovska А. L., Abramov М. V., Gorbyk P. P., Luk’yanova N. Yu., Kusyak N. V., Chekhun V. F. Magnetically sensitive nanocomposites for targeted antitumor therapy with application of gemcitabine. - C. 528-538.
- Smirnova O. V., Grebenyuk A. G., Lobanov V. V. A quantum chemical study on the effect of titanium dioxide modification with non-metals on its spectral characteristics. - C. 539-546.
- Korduban O. M., Kryshchuk T. V., Kandyba V. O., Trachevskii V. V. XPS studies of the surface of TiO2:Ag nanopowders. - C. 547-555.