Фізика низьких температур. 2021, 47 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2021. Вип. 2 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Zloshchastiev K. G. Superfluid stars and Q-balls in curved spacetime. - C. 103-109.
- Druzhinin A., Ostrovskii I., Khoverko Y., Liakh-Kaguy N., Mazur V. Critical fields and features of electromagnetic transport of Bi2Se3 whiskers at low temperatures. - C. 110-114.
- Tarenkov V., Shapovalov A., Boliasova O., Belogolovskii M., Korduyk A. Two-band superconductivityin a Mo–Re alloy with an equal concentration of the components. - C. 115-119.
- Ragimov S. S., Askerzade I. N., Agaeva G. I. Effect of Zn on thermoelectric power in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaxZn1–xCu2O8+y compounds. - C. 120-124.
- Terekhov A. V., Bashlakov D. L., Zolochevskii I. V., Khristenko E. V., Zaleski A., Khlybov E. P., Lachenkov S. A. Superconducting properties of GdxPb1–xMo6S8 (x = 0.5, 0.7, 0.9) compounds. - C. 125-131.
- Bugrij A. I., Loktev V. M. On the theory of ideal Bose-gas. - C. 132-135.
- Murtazaev A. K., Babaev A. B., Ataeva G. Ya., Murtazaeva A. A. Calculation of relative dispersions of magnetization, susceptibility, and heat capacity in a two-dimensional weakly diluted Potts model based on computer simulation methods. - C. 136-139.
- Zvyagin A. A., Zvyagina G. A. Piezoelectric and magneto-elastic effects in a quantum paramagnet. - C. 140-146.
- Korol A. M. Supertunneling effect in graphene. - C. 147-150.
- Menshikova S. I., Rogacheva Е. I. Effect of deviation from stoichiometry on transport and mechanicalproperties of Bi2Se3 polycrystals. - C. 151-158.
- Boyko I. V., Petryk M. R., Fraissard J. Theory of the shear acoustic phonons spectrum and their interactionwith electrons due to the piezoelectric potential in AlN/GaN nanostructures of plane symmetry. - C. 159-172.
- Bogdan M. M., Charkina O. V. Generation of wave packets and breathers by oscillating kinksin the sine-Gordon system. - C. 173-183.
- Khadzhai G., Matsepulin A., Vovk R. Effect of hydrostatic pressure up to 12 kbar on the electricalresistance of Y0.77Pr0.23Ba2Cu3O7–δ single crystals. - C. 184-187.
- Khadzhai G. Ya., Vovk S. R., Vovk R. V., Gevorkyan E. S., Kislitsa M. V., Feher A., Kollar P., Fuzer J. Structure and transport properties of the Fe0.5Ni0.5 composite. - C. 188-191.
- Zinoviev P. V., Zoryansky V. N. Low-temperature photoluminescence of C60 single crystals intercaledwith nitrogen molecules in the wide range of temperatures. - C. 192-194.