Фізика низьких температур. 2021, 47 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2021. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Monarkha Yu. P. Magnetooscillations of temperature and microwave absorption in a highly correlated 2D electron gas on liquid helium. - C. 295-308.
- Askerzade I. N., Aydin A. Frustration effect on escape rate in Josephson junctions between single-band and three-band superconductors in the macroscopic quantum tunneling regime. - C. 309-314.
- Bahrova O. M., Gorelik L. Y., Kulinich S. I. Entanglement between charge qubit states and coherent states of nanomechanical resonator generated by ac Josephson effect. - C. 315-321.
- Zvyagin A. A. External electric field and strain effects in a quantum paramagnet. - C. 322-327.
- Korol A. M., Sokolenko A. I., Shevchenko O. Chiral tunneling through the single barrier structure based on the α-T3 model. - C. 328-334.
- Filippov Yu. P., Miklyaev V. M., Vainberg V. V. Long-term stability of TVO low-temperature sensors before and after gamma irradiation with a high dose. - C. 335-341.
- Mikitik G. P., Sharlai Yu. V. Analysis of Dirac and Weyl points in topological semimetals via oscillation effects. - C. 342-347.
- Doroshenko I., Vaskivsky Ye., Chernolevskaya Ye., Doroshenko O. Conformational composition of 1-butanol in matrix isolation. - C. 348-354.
- Stepanian S. G., Ivanov A. Yu., Karachevtsev V. A., Adamowicz L. Coronene-uracil complexes embedded in argon matrices: FTIR spectroscopy and quantum-mechanical calculations. - C. 355-364.
- Kosevich M. V., Boryak O. A., Shelkovsky V. S. Low-temperature secondary emission mass spectrometric investigations of a condensed-phase environment of biologically significant compounds. - C. 365-377.
- Bobrov V. B., Trigger S. A., Zagorodny A. G. Nonstationary equation for the one-particle wave function of the Bose–Einstein condensate. - C. 378-381.
- Пам’яті Іллі Валентиновича Кріве. - C. 382-383.