Економічний вісник Донбасу. 2020 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Економічний вісник Донбасу 2020. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Content.
- Kashchena N. Theories of Economic Fluctuations and their Influence on the Formation of the Modern Paradigm of Economic Activity of Enterprises. - C. 5-8.
- Kustova A., Rozmainsky I. Empirical Analysis of Generalized Trust in Modern Russia. - C. 9-22.
- Serdiuk O., Petrova I. Generalization of Tools for Internalization of Negative Externalities in the European Union: Conclusions for Ukraine. - C. 23-29.
- Amosha O., Bryukhovetska N., Buleev I. Industry as a Dominant in the Formation of an Ukraine's Self-Sufficient Economy. - C. 30-37.
- Glinkowska-Krauze B., Górecki Ł., Chebotarova N. Premises and Characteristics of "Contemporary Business" – the Context of Globalization, Internationalization and Threats. - C. 38-45.
- Vyshnevskyi О. International Digital Platform as a Tool for the Formation of Cross-Border Research, Educational and Innovation Spaces. - C. 46-51.
- Stolyarov V., Shinkaryuk O., Stolyarova V. Systemic Interaction of Center and Regions in Ukraine (basics of national-civilizational security). - C. 52-63.
- Ostrovetskyy V. Perspectives for the Development of the Environmental Taxation System: Consolidation, Differentiation, Expansion of the Tax Base. - C. 64-69.
- Diatlova Yu. Modern Approach to Formation of the Banking Sector Development Trajectory. - C. 70-77.
- Simakov K., Chernyshova S. Improving the Management Accounting System through Strategic Budgeting in an Industrial Enterprise. - C. 78-84.
- Trushkina N., Dzwigol H., Serhieieva O., Shkrygun Yu. Development of the Logistics 4.0 Concept in the Digital Economy. - C. 85-96.
- Fomichenko I., Barkova S., Dykan A., Kosik K., Kozlova K. Internet Marketing as a Modern Enterprise Communication Tool. - C. 97-102.
- Ruban М. Development of Mainline Electric Locomotive Engineering in Ukraine (on the Example of Diversification of Production Activity of OJSC "Luhanskteplovoz"). - C. 103-109.
- Dzwigol H. Tools for Adjusting Research Methods and Techniques to Research Processes. - C. 110-118.
- Leonov Ya. Modern Approach to Sports Industry Management under Uncertainty. - C. 119-123.
- Hristova V., Wołejsza P. Barriers before Students Entrepreneurial Intentions and Business Initiatives – Results by Empirical Study of Bulgarian and Polish Students. - C. 124-131.
- Kendiukhov O., Solokha D., Tanchyk О., Bieliakova O. The Theoretical Concepts of Innovative Potential Formation of National Economy. - C. 132-139.
- Boretskaya N., Krapivina G. Problems of Overcoming Poverty in the World and in Ukraine (on the Example of Volunteering and Voluntourism). - C. 140-147.
- Bolotina Ye., Steshenko N., Tkachenko V., Chalenko V. Social Risks as a Factor of Regulation of the System of Social Protection of the Population in Ukraine. - C. 148-154.
- Poznyakova O., Panchuk N., Burtseva O. Analysis of Reforming the Pension System of Ukraine: Implementation Problems and Development Prospects. - C. 155-160.
- Smyrnova I., Chebotarova V., Kotelevets Yu., Kurbatska D. The State of Forced Migration and the Main Problems of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine. - C. 161-167.
- Gitis T., Lysenko M. Directions for Improving the System of Social Protection of the Population of Ukraine. - C. 168-173.
- Rovenska V. Features of Conflict Management in the Labor Team of Industrial Enterprise. - C. 174-179.
- Tokarskyi T. Improving Economic Security through European Integration Reforms in Ukraine's Social Sector. - C. 180-189.