Plant introduction. 2020 (87-88) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Plant introduction 2020. Вип. 87-88 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Zaimenko N., Ivanytska B., Pavliuchenko N., Slyusarenko O., Tian L., Miao T., Liu D., Pyzyk M., Slaski J. Modern biotechnology in optimizing plant waste utilization. - C. 3-21.
- Bulakh O. Morphological features of the flower of Symphoricarpos species (Caprifoliaceae) introduced to Ukraine. - C. 22-31.
- Zhila A., Tymchenko O. The morphostructure of Oxalis incarnata bulbs. - C. 32-38.
- Skrypchenko N., Slyusar G. Seed productivity and reproduction features of Schisandra chinensis under conditions of the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden. - C. 39-46.
- Leshcheniuk O., Chipilyak T. Morpho-anatomical adaptation of the leaves of certain Veronica species to arid conditions. - C. 47-53.
- Vakulenko T., Bagatska T., Korablova O., Gurnenko I., Rakhmetov D. Carpological features of certain Artemisia species distributed in Ukraine. - C. 54-64.
- Gritsenko V. Formation of the introduced coenopopulation of Crocus reticulatus on the botanical-geographical plot "Steppes of Ukraine” at the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. - C. 65-75.
- Bondarchuk O., Vergun O., Shymanska O., Fishchenko V., Rakhmetov D. Accumulation of ash and photosynthetic pigments in the raw material of Astragalus. - C. 76-86.
- Kuzemko A., Vynokurov D., Shyriaeva D. Distribution of species of the genus Stipa in Ukraine according to phytosociological databases. - C. 87-103.
- Tarieiev A., Olshanskyi I. Short notice concerning the current conservation status of dark-barked birch taxa and the proposed changes to the next edition of the Red Book of Ukraine. - C. 104-107.
- Pleskach L., Virchenko V. Epiphytic bryophytes of the State Dendrological Park "Olexandria” of the NAS of Ukraine. - C. 108-114.
- Vasyliuk O. Perspectives of the legislation on the Red Book of Ukraine development. - C. 115-118.
- Gaidarzhy M., Kolomiychuk V., Nikitina V., Belemets N. Vasyl Kapustyan (1942–2020) of blessed memory. - C. 119-121.
- Bedernichek T. In memoriam – Stepan Stoyko. - C. 122-125.