Cybernetics and computer engineering. 2021 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Cybernetics and computer engineering 2021. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Surovtsev I. V., Galimov S. K., Galimova V. M., Sarkisova M. V. Method of Chronoionometric Determination of Concentrations of Fluorine, Nitrate, Ammonium in Drinking Water. - C. 5-25.
- Анісімов А. В., Бевза М. В., Бобиль Б. В. Прогнозування відгуків на візуально-текстовий контент з використанням нейронних мереж. - C. 26-38.
- Mishchenko M. D., Gubarev V. F. Horizon Length Tuning for Model Predictive Control in Linear Multi Input Multi Variable Systems. - C. 39-59.
- Aralova N. I., Klyuchko O. M., Mashkin V. I., Mashkina I. V. Mathematical Model of Functional Respiratory System for the Investigation of Harmful Organic Compounds Influences in Industrial Regions. - C. 60-76.
- Kryvova O. A., Kozak L. M. Information Technology for Classification of Donosological and Pathological States Using the Ensemble of Data Mining Methods. - C. 77-96.
- До уваги авторiв. - C. 97-98.