Фізика низьких температур. 2021, 47 (7) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2021. Вип. 7 |
- Титул.
- Content.
- Preface. - C. 575-576.
- Ermolaev A. M., Rashba G. I. Superlattice on the surface of a nanotube (Review Article). - C. 577-595.
- Titov O. Yu., Gurevich Yu. G. Temperature gradient and transport of heat and charge in a semiconductor structure (Review Article). - C. 596-601.
- Litinskaya M., Kaganova I. Dynamical Green’s function for elastic half-space, and energy losses due to collision. - C. 602-612.
- Antonov V. N., Bekenov L. V. Electronic structure and physical properties of hybrid heterostructures Sr2CrOsO6/BaTiO3. - C. 613-625.
- Shvaika Z., Sapriianchuk P., Rovenchak A. Bose systems in linear traps: Exact calculations versus effective space dimensionality. - C. 626-632.
- Chupis I. E. Effect of magnetic field on the modulated spin structure of terbium manganite film. - C. 633-636.
- Makarov N. M., Melnyk S. S., Usatenko O. V., Shmat’ko A. A., Yampol’skii V. A. Gyrotropic superlattice as a transformer of light polarization. - C. 637-644.
- Kontorovich V. M. Instability of the pulsar surface in strong constant fields and generation of additional components due to combination scattering. - C. 645-653.
- Mikitik G. P., Sharlai Yu. V. Magnetic susceptibility of crystals with crossing of their band-contact lines. - C. 654-659.
- Chikina I., Timofeev B., Shikin V. Electrochemical impedance in ac diagnostics of weakly conducting media. - C. 660-668.