Microbiological journal. 2021, 83 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Microbiological journal 2021. Вип. 2 |
- Титул, contents.
- Borzova N. V., Gladka G. V., Gudzenko O. V., Hovorukha V. M., Tashyrev О. B. Enzymatic Activity of Psychrotolerant Antarctic Bacteria. - C. 3-11.
- Avdiyuk K. V., Ivanytsia V. A., Varbanets L. D. Screening of Enzyme Producers with Keratinase Activity among Marine Actinobacteria. - C. 12-19.
- Pirog T. P., Lutsai D. A., Shevchuk T. A., Iutynska G. O. Synthesis and Biological Activity of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 Surfactants Depending on Monovalent Cations Content in Cultivation Medium. - C. 20-31.
- Loboda M. I., Biliavska L. O., Iutynska G. O. Biosynthesis of Polyene Antibiotics and Phytohormones by Streptomyces netropsis IMV Ac-5025 under the Action of Exogenous Isopentenyladenosine. - C. 32-41.
- Kovalсhuk I. I., Fedoruk R. S., Spivak M. Ya., Romanovyсh M. M., Iskra R. Ya. Laсtobaсillus сasei IMV B-7280 Immunobiotic Strain Influence on the Viability of Honey Bees and the Content of Microelements in the Organism. - C. 42-50.
- Abdulina D. R., Chuenko A. I., Topchiy A. S., Kopteva G. E., Kopteva Zh. P. Ability of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria to Utilize Polymer and Rubber Materials. - C. 51-63.
- Bulyhina T. V., Kyrychenko A. M., Kharchuk M. S., Varbanets L. D. Anti-TMV Activities of Pantoea agglomerans Lipopolysaccharides in vitro. - C. 64-72.
- Povnitsa O. Yu., Biliavska L. O., Pankivska Yu. B., Zagorodnya S. D., Borshchevskaya M. I. Anti-Adenovirus Activity of the Medical Intranasal Drug Nazoferon. - C. 73-81.
- Dawood A. A., Altobje M. A. A., Al-Rrassam Z. T. Molecular Docking of SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein with Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme II. - C. 82-92.
- Gamaliia V. M., Ruda S. P., Zabuga G. V. Contribution of Ukrainian Scientists into the Fight against Plague. - C. 93-99.