Проблеми програмування. 2021 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Проблеми програмування 2021. Вип. 2 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Rogushina J. V., Gladun A. Ya. Development of domain thesaurus as a set of ontology concepts with use of semantic similarity and elements of combinatorial optimization. - C. 3-15.
- Rodin Y. S., Sinitsyn I. P. Security basic model for applied tasks of the distributed information system. - C. 16-23.
- Zakharova O. Defining degree of semantic similarity using description logic tools. - C. 24-33.
- Gladun A. Ya., Khala K. A. Ontology-based semantic similarity to metadata analysis in the information security domain. - C. 34-41.
- Grygoryan R. D., Yurchak O. I., Degoda A. G., Lyudovyk T. V. Specialised software for simulating the multiple control and modulations of human hemodynamics. - C. 42-53.
- Rahozin D. V., Doroshenko A. Yu. Extended performance accounting using Valgrind tool. - C. 54-62.
- Kosovets M., Tovstenko L. Specific features of the use of artificial intelligence in the development of the architecture of intelligent foult-tolerant radar systems. - C. 63-75.
- Shevchenko V. L., Lazorenko Y. S., Borovska O. M. Intonation expressiveness of the text at program sounding. - C. 76-84.
- Triantafillu A. A., Mateshko M. A., Shevchenko V. L., Sinitsyn I. P. Algorithm and software for determining a musical genre by lyrics to create a song hit. - C. 85-94.