Фізика низьких температур. 2021, 47 (8) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2021. Вип. 8 |
- Титул.
- Content.
- Shklovskij V. A. Magnon-phonon interactions in spin insulators (Review Article). - C. 675-702.
- Adamenko I. N., Nemchenko E. K., Nemchenko K. E. Phonon model of heat radiation into superfluid helium by a solid with a flat surface (Review Article). - C. 703-709.
- Yurkina O., Nemirovskii S. К. On the energy spectrum of the 3D velocity field, generated by an ensemble of vortex loops. - C. 710-714.
- Medrano J. G., Cortés-López S., Pérez-Rodríguez F. Enhanced THz transmission through a grating with layered high-temperature superconductor. - C. 715-721.
- Kadigrobov A. M. Dynamics of quasi-particles in graphene with impurities and sharp edges from the kp-method standpoint. - C. 722-730.
- Varlamov A. A., Galperin Y. M., Sharapov S. G., Yerin Yu. Concise guide for electronic topological transitions. - C. 731-743.
- Nikolaieva Y. O., Olashyn A. O., Kuriatnikov Y. I., Vilchynskii S. I., Yakimenko A. I. Stable vortex in Bose–Einstein condensate dark matter. - C. 744-752.
- Poluektov Yu. M. Nuclear and electronic coherence in superfluid helium. - C. 753-759.
- Bulakhov M. S., Peletminskii A. S., Slyusarenko Yu. V. Multipole degrees of freedom in physics of high-spin quantum atomic gases. - C. 760-773.