Фізика низьких температур. 2021, 47 (9) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2021. Вип. 9 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Pastur L. A., Slavin V. V., Krivchikov A. A. One-dimensional narrow-band conductors. - C. 779-803.
- Kondaurova L. P., Andryushchenko V. A. Dynamics, properties and spectrum of reconnecting vortex loops in superfluid helium. - C. 804-818.
- Pogorelov Yu. G., Kochan D., Loktev V. M. Electronic spectra, topological states and impurity effects in graphene nanoribbons. - C. 819-829.
- Galkina E. G., Ivanov B. A. Phenomenological description of spin dynamics in antiferromagnets: short history and modern development. - C. 830-840.
- Kovalev A. S. Magnetic vortices in media with spatially inhomogeneous exchange interaction. - C. 841-850.
- Shiralieva A., Prokoshin A., Perkins N. B. Magnetoelastic effects in the hyperhoneycomb Kitaev spin liquid. - C. 851-861.
- Gredeskul S. A., Pastur L. A., Freiman Yu. A. The last accomplishment of B. I. Verkin. - C. 862-870.