Фізика низьких температур. 2021, 47 (10) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2021. Вип. 10 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Kapuza S. S., Chagovets V. K., Sokolov S. S., Vrakina V. A., Chagovets T. V. The turbulent drag force in superfluid 3He–4He mixtures under oscillations of a quartz tuning fork. - C. 875-882.
- Solovjov A. L., Stepanov V. B., Kolesnichenko Yu. A. Comparative analysis of the temperature dependences of the resistivity, pseudogap, and thermoelectric power in polycrystals YBa2Cu307–δ with a decrease in the density of charge carriers. - C. 883-894.
- Kuplevakhsky S. V., Bengus S. V. Time evolution of spin singlet in static homogeneous exchange and magnetic fields. - C. 895-902.
- Timofeev V. P., Bondarenko S. I., Meleshko V. V., Savina Yu. A., Wiśniewski A. Enhancement of the pinning potential in a single-crystal superconductor FeTe0.65Se0.35 under the influence of hydrogen sorption. - C. 903-906.
- Greenberg Ya. S., Shtygashev A. A., Moiseev A. G. Spontaneous decay of artificial atoms in a multi-qubit system. - C. 907-916.
- Gorobets Yu. I., Gorobets O. Yu., Kulish V. V. Oscillating spin vortices in a two-sublattice uniaxial antiferromagnet. - C. 917-922.
- Babanlı A. M., Uçar O. Magnetoresistance of electrons in quantum ring with Rashba spin-orbit interaction. - C. 923-927.
- Ovsiienko I. V., Len T. A., Syvolozhskyy O. A., Matzui L. Yu., Mirzoiev I. G., Andrievskii V. V., Beliayev E. Yu. Magnetoresistance of graphite nanoplatelets with different structure. - C. 928-937.
- Panfilov A. S., Grechnev G. E. Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the magnetic susceptibility of MnF2 single crystal. - C. 938-941.
- Amekpewu M., Mensah S. Y., Musah R., Abukari S. S., Dompreh K. A., Mensah N. G., Kuwonu M. Influence of temperature variation on the electrical conductivity of zigzag carbon nanotubes under homogeneous axial dc field. - C. 942-948.
- Solodovnik A. A., Mysko-Krutik N. S. Phase states and the mechanism of crystallization of condensed Ar–Kr mixtures. - C. 949-955.
- Kovalev A. S., Syrkin E. S. Shear elastic surface waves and system symmetry. - C. 956-962.
- Zhun H. H., Borshch O. Ye. Improving the thermal insulation of nitrogen cryocontainers using the loop-shaped evacuation process. - C. 963-972.