Biotechnologia Acta. 2021, 14 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2021. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Kryvoshlyk I., Skivka L Circulating tumor cells: where we left off?. - C. 5-27.
- Krasnopolsky Yu. М., Pylypenko D. М. Biotechnological research in the creation and production of antirabic vaccines. - C. 28-37.
- Aralova N. I., Klyuchko O. M., Mashkin V. I., Mashkina I. V., Radziejowski P., Radziejowska M. Mathematical model for the investigation of hypoxic states in the heart muscle at viral damage. - C. 38-52.
- Yaroshko O. M., Kuchuk M. V. Transient expression of reporter genes in cultivars of Amaranthus caudatus L.. - C. 53-63.
- Sych N. V., Kotyns’ka L. I., Vikarchuk V. M., Farbun I. A. On the possibility of using carbon enterosorbents to normalize cholesterol metabolism. - C. 64-69.
- Hovorukha V. M., Havryliuk O. A., Bida I. O., Danko Ya. P., Shabliy O. V., Gladka G. V., Yastremska L. S., Tashyrev O. B. Two-stage degradation of solid organic waste and liquid filtrate. - C. 70-79.
- Sabliy L., Zhukova V., Konontsev S., Obodovych O., Sydorenko V. Problems of soapstock treatment of vegetable oil productions and their solutions. - C. 80-87.