Фізика низьких температур. 2021, 47 (11) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2021. Вип. 11 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Preface.
- Krivoruchko V. N. Local spin-triplet superconductivity in half-metallic manganites: A perspective platform for high-temperature topological superconductivity. - C. 981-988.
- Shapovalov А. P., Shaternik V. E., Boliasova O. O., Suvorov A. Yu. Influence of external microwave radiation on transport characteristics of superconducting MoRe–Si(W)–MoRe junctions. - C. 989-993.
- Glamazda A., Sharafeev A., Bohle R., Lemmens P., Choi K.-Y., Chou F. C., Sankar R. Doping from CDW to topological superconductivity: The role of defects on phonon scattering in the non-centrosymmetric PbxTaSe2. - C. 994-1002.
- Kutsyk A. M., Kasatkin A. L., Kordyuk A. A. Dynamics of fractional vortices in two-band superconductors. - C. 1003-1010.
- Gnezdilov V., Lemmens P., Wulferding D., Kitada A., Kageyama H. Magnetic and lattice excitations in the quasi-2D quantum spin compound (CuCl)LaNb2O7. - C. 1011-1020.
- Bukhanko F. N., Bukhanko A. F. Evolution of low-energy magnetic excitations pair spectrum in SmMnO3+δ. - C. 1021-1033.
- Zvyagin A. A. Electric field- and strain-induced quantum phase transitions in a spin chain. - C. 1034-1038.
- Usatenko О. V., Melnyk S. S., Yampolskii V. A. Transverse Anderson localization of evanescent waves propagating in randomly layered media. - C. 1039-1044.
- Büscher F., Müllner S., Wulferding D., Pashkevich Yu. G., Gnezdilov V., Peshkov A. A., Surzhykov A., Lemmens P. Raman scattering of plane-wave and twisted light off chiral molecular liquids. - C. 1045-1052.
- Zhuravlev A. V. Binuclear s = 1/2 single molecular magnets with the symmetry restrictions. - C. 1053-1060.
- Klimin S. A., Peschanskii A. V. Optical spectroscopy study of KDy(WO4)2: Crystal-field levels of Dy3+ and the Jahn–Teller transition. - C. 1061-1071.