Journal of mechanical engineering. 2021, 24 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2021. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Rusanov A. V., Subotin V. H., Shvetsov V. L., Rusanov R. A., Palkov S. A., Palkov I. A., Chuhai M. O. Development of the Flow Part of Reactive Type HPC of K-325-23.5 Series Steam Turbine Based on the Use of Modern Computer Technologies. - C. 6-16.
- Vorobieva H. S. Modification of the Redlich-Kwong-Aungier Equation of State to Determine the Degree of Dryness in the CO2 Two-phase Region. - C. 17-27.
- Gorbenko G. O., Gakal P. H., Turna R. Yu., Hodunov A. M. Retrospective Review of a Two-Phase Mechanically Pumped Loop for Spacecraft Thermal Control Systems. - C. 27-37.
- Kostikov A. O., Shubenko O. L., Subotin V. H., Senetskyi O. V., Tarasova V. O., Holoshchapov V. M., Babak M. Yu. Principal Modernization Solutions for a 300 MW Power Unit to be Converted to Operate at Ultra-Supercritical Steam Parameters. - C. 38-49.
- Uspenskyi B. V., Avramov K. V., Derevianko I. I. Vibrations of a Cylindrical Sandwich Shell with a Honeycomb Core Made Using FDM technology. - C. 49-60.
- Koliadiuk A. S., Shulzhenko M. H., Hubskyi O. M. Strength and Service Life of a Steam Turbine Stop and Control Valve Body. - C. 61-70.
- Derevianko I. I., Uspenskyi B. V., Avramov K. V., Salenko O. F., Biblik I. V. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Shear Properties of Honeycomb Cores Produced Using Additive Technologies. - C. 71-76.