Фізика низьких температур. 2021, 47 (12) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2021. Вип. 12 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Zubov E. E. Reentrant superconductivity in a hybrid heterostructure with a high transparency barrier. - C. 1079-1089.
- Belogolovskii M., Zhitlukhina E., Seidel P. Probing long-range current-carrying edge modes by two quantum point contacts. - C. 1090-1095.
- Charkina O. V., Belan V. I., Bogdan M. M. Structural transformation of spin nanoclusters in low-dimensional anisotropic ferromagnets under applied magnetic field. - C. 1096-1106.
- Glamazda A. Yu., Gnezdilov V. P., Lemmens P., Zvyagina G. A., Gudim I. A. Raman scattering study of the rare-earth binary ferroborate Nd0.75Dy0.25Fe3(BO3)4 single crystal. - C. 1107-1118.
- Klimin S. A., Berdonosov P. S., Kuznetsova E. S. Quasi-doublets of non-Kramers Ho3+ ion and magnetic ordering of holmium francisite-analog Cu3Ho(SeO3)2O2Cl. - C. 1119-1127.
- Shiva L., Alur C., Ayachit N., Udachan L., Bhairamadagi S., Kolkundi S. Base pressure effect on electrical properties of chromium nanofilms. - C. 1128-1130.
- Al S., Kurkcu C. Hydrogen storage properties, structural analysis, elastic and electronic properties of K2PdH4. - C. 1131-1134.
- Al S., Kurkcu C. Phase transitions, elastic and electronic properties of hydrogen storage Na2PdH4. - C. 1135-1138.
- Eremenko Z. E., Pashynska V. A., Kuznetsova K. S., Martunov A. V. Development of experimental techniques for antibiotics detection in aqueous solutions: real-time microwave dielectrometry and UV-Vis spectrophotometry study. - C. 1139-1147.
- Petrenko E. V., Omelchenko L. V., Kolesnichenko Yu. A., Shytov N. V., Rogacki K., Sergeyev D. M., Solovjov A. L. Study of fluctuation conductivity in YBa2Cu3O7–δ films in strong magnetic fields. - C. 1148-1156.
- Doronin Yu. S., Vakula V. L., Kamarchuk G. V., Tkachenko А. А., Khyzhniy I. V., Uyutnov S. A., Bludov M. A., Savchenko E. V. Desorption of excited H* atoms from free clusters Ar/CH4 and solid Ar doped with CH4. - C. 1157-1164.
- Ivashchyshyn F. O., Maksymych V. M., Krushelnytska T. D., Rybak O. V., Seredyuk B. O., Tovstyuk N. K. Biintercalate layered heterostructure: synthesis conditions and physical properties. - C. 1165-1172.
- Syvokon V. E., Sokolova E. S., Sokolov S. S. The structure and collective oscillations of linear systems of particles with van der Waals interaction. - C. 1173-1185.
- Vakhnenko O. O. Coupling-managed criticality in nonlinear dynamics of an integrable exciton-phonon system on a one-dimensional lattice. - C. 1186-1190.