Science and innovation. 2021, 17 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2021. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Nakonechna K. V., Samsonova V. V. Government support of agricultural production given the natural climatic conditions and the production environment of Ukraine. - C. 3-14.
- Slobodyan Z. V., Zin I. M., Korniy S. A. New environmentally-friendly corrosion inhibitor based on plant extracts and technology of chemical cleaning of thermal power equipment with its use. - C. 15-24.
- Lyashenko V. I., Soldak M. O. The Nature of Regional Development Instt itutions and Their Role in Innovation-Driven Modernization of Economy. - C. 25-38.
- Morgun V. V., Kots S. Ya. Development of Effective Strains of Nodule Bacteria and Microbial Preparations Based on Them. - C. 39-49.
- Gubarev V. F., Volosov V. V., Salnikov N. N., Shevchenko V. N., Melnychuk S. V., Maksymyuk L. V. Computer Vision System for Spacecraft Relative Pose Determination During Rendezvous and Docking. - C. 50-63.
- Belikov K. M., Bryleva E. Yu., Bunina Z. Yu., Varchenko V. V., Andryushchenko A. Yu., Shcherbakov I. B.-H., Kalchenko V. I., Drapailo A. B., Zontov A. V., Zontova L. V. Solid phase extractants for actinide and lanthanide removal based on porous polymers impregnated with multidentate chelating ligands. - C. 64-71.
- Parkhomenko N. M., Yakubivskyi I. Ye., Yurkevych Yu. M. IP Policy in Academic Institutes and Higher Education Institutions. - C. 72-83.
- Maryniv V. I., Demura M. I. Criminal and Criminal Proceeding Protection of Intellectual Property Rights. - C. 84-93.
- Granchak T. Yu., Bondarenko V. I. Immersive Technologies in the Library: Organization of Innovative Service for Science and Education. - C. 94-104.
- Boiarynova K. O., Kopishynska K. O. Analysis of Logistics Startups Development in the EU Countries and Ukraine. - C. 105-116.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 117-119.