Science and innovation. 2021, 17 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2021. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Yerina A. M., Honchar I. A., Zaiets S. V. Statistical Indicators of Cybersecurity Development in the Context of Digital Transformation of Economy and Society. - C. 3-13.
- Vishnevsky V. P., Harkushenko O. М., Zanizdra M. Yu., Kniaziev S. I. Digital and Green Economy: Common Grounds and Contradictions. - C. 14-27.
- Drobenko B. D., Kushnir R. M., Marchuk, M. V. Approach to Studying the Strength and Determining the Yield Stress of Rocket and Space Engineering Structures. - C. 28-36.
- Leshchenko I. Ch. Estimates of Methane Emissions in the Oil-and-Gas Industry of Ukraine: Problems and World Experience in Their Solution. - C. 37-48.
- Zabulonov Yu., Burtnyak V., Odukalets L. Spectrometer-Identifier Based on a Solid Detector for NFC Facilities. - C. 49-55.
- Martirosyan І. A., Pakholiuk E. V., Lubenets V. І., Komarovska-Porokhnyavets O. Z., Monka N. Ja., Nakonechna А. V., Peredriy O. І., Lutskova V. I. Innovative Approach to the Creation of Textile Materials with Antimicrobial Properties. - C. 56-66.
- Zaselskiy V., Popolov D., Zaytsev H., Shepelenko M. Upgrade of Conveyor Line for Coal Charge Preparation with the Use of Modern Gradingand-Mixing Equipment. - C. 67-77.
- Sydorova M., Baybuz O., Verba О., Pidhornyi P. Information Technology for Trajectory Data Mining. - C. 78-86.
- Tagaev I. А., Muratova M. N., Аndriyko L. S., Boykhonova M. Yu. Characteristics of New Promising Bentonite Coal Sorbents Modified by Different Compounds. - C. 87-95.
- Melnyk M. V., Nikitin Yu. O. Possibilities of Creation and Implementation of Open Innovations at R&D Organizations of the NAS of Ukraine. - C. 96-103.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 104-106.