Science and innovation. 2022, 18 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2022. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Sytnyk H. P., Zubchyk O. A., Orel M. H. Conceptual Understanding of the Peculiarities of Managing Innovation-Driven Development of the State in the Current Conditions. - C. 3-15.
- Iermakova O. A. Mechanisms of Implementing Re gional Policy for Cooperation in the Sphere of Innovation Based on the Stimulation of Innovation Demand and Supply. - C. 16-29.
- Larionova K. L., Synyuk O. M., Donchenko T. V., Kapinos H. I. Enterprise InnovationDriven Development Management Based on the Assessment of Restructuring Capacity. - C. 30-43.
- Vasyltsiv T. G., Mulska O. P., Levytska O. O., Lupak R. L., Semak B. B., Shtets T. F. Factors of the Development of Ukraine’s Digital Economy: Identification and Evaluation. - C. 44-58.
- Filipovych V. Ye., Shevchuk R. M., Mychak A. H. Satellite Imagery Application for Searching Buried Intrusive Structures. - C. 59-65.
- Rudenki S. G., Kartsev М. F., Korneev О. О., Kunchenko О. V., Kunchenko Yu. V., Ma Rynin V. G., Kovalenko V. I., Bortnitska M. O., Ryzhova T. P., Lyashenko I. A. Vacuum Activated Diffusion Chromium Plating of 15Kh12VNMF and 20Kh1M1F1TR Steels. - C. 66-72.
- Klyuchko O. M., Beletsky A. Ya., Gonchar O. O., Melezhyk О. V. Bioinformation Systems with Detectors and Signal Coding Capabilities. - C. 73-84.
- Dvigun А. О., Datsii O. І., Levchenko N. M., Shyshkanova G. A., Dmytrenko R. М. Rational Use of Fresh Water as a Guarantee of Ag ribusiness Deve lop ment in the Context of the Exacerbated Climate Crisis. - C. 85-99.
- Proidak Yu. S., Gladkykh V. A., Ruban A. V. Studying the Phase Equilibria in MnO—SiO2 System by the Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Method. - C. 100-107.
- Zhdanova O. A., Bereznenko S. M., Smernytskyi D. V., Bereznenko N. M. Materials for Manufacturing Protective Barrier Clothing of Medical Workers and Testing of This Clothing for Compliance with the Requirements of the Applicable Regulations. - C. 108-116.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 117-119.