Science and innovation. 2022, 18 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2022. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Shubenko О. L., Goloshchapov V. M., Senetskyi О. V., Senetska D. О. The Structure of the Flow Behind the Last Stage of Steam Turbine at the Low Flow Rate Operating Condition. - C. 3-9.
- Soroka B. S., Pyanykh K. Ye., Zgurskyi V. O. Mixed Fuel for Household Gas-Powered App liances as an Option to Replace Natural Gas with Hydrogen. - C. 10-22.
- Gogaev K. O., Sydorchuk O. M. Die Steel with Regulated Austenitic Transformation for Hot Deformation of Copper-Nickel Alloy. - C. 23-27.
- Myrontsov M. L., Dovgyi S. O., Trofymchuk O. M., Lebid O. G., Okhariev V. O. Development and Testing of Tools for Modeling R&D Works in Geophysical Instrument-Making for Oil and Gas Well Electrometry. - C. 28-36.
- Prytula Kh. M., Maksymenko А. О., Demedyuk O. P., Kalat Ya. Ya., Kyryk I. M. Methodology for Assessing the Prospects for Developing the Border Crossing Point Network of Ukraine. - C. 37-48.
- Vasilev Ya. D., Samokish D. N., Bondarenko O. A, Mospan N. V. Determination of Particular Relative Reduction in Cold Rolling of Thin and Extra Thin Strips to Implement the Process with the Least Force. - C. 49-57.
- Hutsa O. М., Yelchaninov D. B., Merkulova T. V., Kyriy V. V., Ihumentseva N. V., Dovgopol N .V., Zabuga S. I., Petrova A. Yu., Peresada O. V., Kutsak V. A. Design of Verbal Models for Forming an Optimal Strategy for Sustainable Development of Service Enterprises in the Conditions of a Crisis. - C. 58-73.
- Malysh I. A., Bukhalo E. V., Prozorova N. V., Bilokin O. P. Studying the Factors that Influence the Innovation and Investment Development of Agricultural Enterprises by the Expert Survey Method. - C. 74-86.
- Smernytskyi D. V., Huliaiev A. V., Fesenko M. A., Melnyk V. E., Fesenko A. M. Production of Iron Castings with Gradient Structure for Special Purpose Equipment by In-Mold Modification of One Base Melt. - C. 87-94.
- Kirin R. S., Doroshenko O. F., Dorozhko H. K., Khomenko V. L. Problems and Prospects of the State Intellectual Property Inspectorate: Institutional and Legal Aspects. - C. 95-108.
- Instructions for Authors. - C. 109-111.