Ukrainian journal of physics. 2022, 67 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2022. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Parnovsky S. L. Dynamics of the general Bianchi IX model near a cosmological singularity. - C. 93-101.
- Hnatyk R. B., Voitsekhovskyi V. V. Gamma-Ray and neutrino radiation from Coma Cluster (A1656). - C. 102-109.
- Ajeel I. A. H., Aldhuhaibat M. J. R., Jassim K. S. Coulomb C2 and C4 form factors of 18O, 20,22Ne nuclei using Bohr−Mottelson collective model. - C. 110-116.
- Khoroshkov Yu. V. Mirror symmetry as an algebra of operators in noncommutative geometry of space-time geometry. - C. 117-126.
- Al-Jubbori M. A., Kassim H. H., Raheem E. M., Ahmed I. M., Khodair Z. T., Sharrad F. I., Hossain I. Nuclear structure of rare-earth 172Er, 174Yb, 176Hf, 178W, 180Os nuclei. - C. 127-135.
- Nasrin S., Bose M. Effect of two different electron temperatures in auroral ionosphere. - C. 136-139.
- Rudenko R. M., Voitsihovska O. O., Poroshin V. M., Petrychuk M. V., Ogurtsov N. A., Noskov Yu. V., Pud A. A. Influence of carbon nanotubes on the electrical conductivity of PVDF/PANI/MWCNT nanocomposites at low temperatures. - C. 140-148.